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The Joy Trip Project

Adventure Film, Adventure Media Review, Film Festival, Interview / 08.10.2012

Three years after his tragic death while climbing in China, Jonny Copp’s Adventure Film Festival is still going strong. The annual event in Boulder that pulls in outdoor-inspired movies from around the world continues with an expanded program in 2012 under the direction of Copp’s sister Aimee. With broad experience in sports marketing and a passion for art and photography she’s creating an enduring legacy to preserve the memory of a young man who in life embodied many of the best qualities in a modern adventurer. Killed in an...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Africa, Cycling, Film Review, Interview, Outdoor Recreation / 04.10.2012

The latest documentary by adventure filmmaker Dominic Gill premiered this week on the NBC Sports Network. Once again peddling a tandem bicycle with an empty back seat the British born writer and bike advocate offered up his unique style of storytelling to provide television viewers with a road trip travel log that reveals the real life perspective of ordinary people willing put their apprehensions aside and go for a ride. Fresh off the highway from his previous project Take a Seat Sharing a Ride across America Gill ventures overseas...

Commentary, Manic Media Monday / 01.10.2012

Over the weekend I watched an inspiring documentary film. Jiro Dreams of Sushi is the story of an 85-year-old chef in Japan that arguably makes the best raw fish, seaweed and rice in the world. True aficionados of sushi know that it is far than the sum of its parts. The mastery of this popular cuisine is the direct result of painstaking dedication and discipline. But as an occupation in this film sushi is a wonderful illustration of the joy and satisfaction we can find in our jobs,...

Adventure Media Review, Book Review, Camping, Environmental Journalism, National Parks, Outdoor Recreation / 30.09.2012

Before They're Gone by Michael Lanza is cautionary journey that explores the likely outcomes in store for our National Parks should we ignore the growing threat of climate change. And typical of most modern problems, not unlike our current economic crisis, those to be most directly effected by our generations' failure to act won't be ourselves but our children. Taking his two young kids on a year-long odyssey to visit America's most iconic wild places, Lanza leads us all on an expedition through the world we stand to...

Adventure Media Review, Africa, Banff, Charitable Giving, Environmental Protection, Photography, Podcast / 23.09.2012

Veterinarian and photographer Dag Goering is the co-founder with his wife author Maria Coffey in the adventure touring business Hidden Places Travel. For many years he's worked at combining his love of travel with the care and protection of animals. “It all started with Camels really,” he said in an interview. “I was very interested in doing longer journeys across the Sahara with the Tuaregs.” The Tuaregs are a nomadic people who travel across the deserts of Northern Africa on caravans of camels. So Goering tried to find a way...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Africa, Ethiopia / 18.09.2012

In 2010 I spent my 44th birthday in an Ethiopia brothel. Believe it or not, that’s what can happen as a result of what can only be described as anxiety induced amnesia. I forgot my ATM pin number. I was on a reporting assignment, doing a story on an NGO that builds schools in the poverty stricken regions of Eastern Africa call Imagine One Day. I’d just arrived in Addis Ababa and as I’m about to withdraw a couple of hundred bucks in trade for the local currency, Ethiopian...