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The Joy Trip Project

Food, Healthy Living, Uncategorized / 06.01.2012

Back home after a short reporting joy trip to Minneapolis I settled into a light breakfast before heading to the gym. Homemade wheat toast with olive oil, an orange and green tea. Not necessarily but an incidentally vegan makes for a lighter healthier alternative to yesterday's protein heavy option. What are your suggestions for a light but satisfying no-meat breakfast?...

Food, Travel / 05.01.2012

This is perhaps as much an exercise in field reporting as it is a exploration of a healthy lifestyle. This is my first blog post I've ever drafted start to finish directly from my iPad. Transfering the photograph and formatting the text is challenging on this screen keyboard. But it's doable. I'm traveling this week on assignment for Paddle Sports Business Magazine. Here in Minneapolis, MN I'm looking into one of the most classic gear shops in the country called Midwest Mountaineering. After spending yesterday visiting with shop employees...

Breaking News / 02.01.2012

[caption id="attachment_6620" align="alignleft" width="300"] Associated Press[/caption] Authorities may have discovered the body of the gunman responsible for a wave of  violence beginning in Seattle that left four injured, two critically, and a Mount Rainier National Park ranger dead. The Associate Press Reports that Benjamin Colton Barnes, 24, an Iraq War veteran was found dead in waist deep snow on Monday, but a positive identification has yet to be made. [caption id="attachment_6625" align="alignright" width="215"] Ranger Margaret Anderson[/caption] Margaret Anderson 34 was fatally shot by a heavily armed motorist who failed to heed...

Adventure Media Review / 01.01.2012

You can’t resolve to climb a mountain, any more than you can resolve to fall in love. Experience has taught me that to accomplish either, anything so completely out of your control you must resolve instead to become the person with the courage to do such things, to cultivate the skills, habits, relationships and the conceit to believe that they are even possible. On this first day of 2012 my wife Shamane rolled over in the bed I built for us to whisper in my ear. “Happy New Year,” she...

Adventure Media Review, Backcountry, Banff, Book Review, Film Festival, Podcast, Skiing, Snow / 30.12.2011

When it comes to adventure writing the sharpest literary minds draw on the subject matter they know best. Author Angie Abdou brings to her latest book themes from an ancient English text first made popular in the middle ages. "I was a medievalist in a past life, which is a weird thing to be," Angie said at the Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival. "But before I took up fiction writing I taught medieval studies." You may remember from courses in English lit the classic travel stories known collectively as...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Climbing, Expedition News, People with disabilities / 23.12.2011

  Leading fitness experts agree. The key to good health is a proper diet and plenty of exercise. Climbing guide Steve Richert knows this to be true better than most. A type-1 diabetic, he aims to demonstrate the power of an active lifestyle in not only managing his disease but to boost his athletic abilities to peak performance. With his wife Stefanie, co-founders of the non-profit Living Vertical, Steve is hitting the road for a full year to climb across North America in a diabetes awareness program he calls...