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The Joy Trip Project

Capital Region Business Journal, Charitable Giving, Madison, Magazines / 09.05.2011

Taking classes a few days a week Hiroko Williams is learning to speak English. While her husband, a United States citizen, prepares to enter a graduate program in international relations next fall, this native of Japan receives free language education through a local non-profit called the Literacy Network. Though trained as a nurse Williams said she must first master the basic skills of communication.
5Point, Adventure Media Review, Film Festival, Music / 02.05.2011

Defying description Jeremy Collin’s sweeping film and live stage production “The Wolf & The Medallion” took the top prize at the 2011 5Point Film Festival. With 10 world premiere movies over four days the gathering of adventure culture in Carbondale Colorado awarded honors as well to films in four categories. The Spirit Award: Cold by Cory Richards The Inspiration Award: Chasing Water by Peter McBride Best Cinematography: Dark Side of the Lens by Mickey Smith Jury Special Selection: Scrappertown featuring Baby Champ
5Point, Adventure Media Review, Film Festival / 30.04.2011

True passion is infectious. And when it comes to making adventure movies you know you’ve succeeded when you can inspire that passion in others. The second day of the 5Point Film Festival hosted yet another night of incredible motion pictures. And in advance of their screening the organizers gathered an intimate dinner for special guests and many of the filmmakers. Even though I’ve had the pleasure of meeting most of these talented men and woman many times before, when Eastern Rises stars Frank Smeatherst and Ryan Peterson walked into the room I was down right giddy.
5Point, Film Festival, Film Review / 28.04.2011

Just how do you loose a river? In his new film “Chasing Water” National Geographic Photographer Peter McBride follows the course of the Colorado only to see it disappear. As much as we might get ourselves lost in the details of the science behind this frightening phenomenon, McBride allows us to make a personal connection with a rapidly depleting natural resource, fresh water.
5Point, Art, Film Festival, Video / 27.04.2011

Winners of the first 5Point Dream Project
I’m not sure how she could tell. “Worried about your trip?” Shamane asked. Lying there in the grey morning light of our bedroom my wife pressed her chin into the crook of my neck and shoulder and simply whispered. “I believe in you.” I still get really nervous.  Even after 20 years of long road trips there’s that nagging fear you feel when you throw back the covers and rise from sleep on the day of departure. Back when I was a salesman, heading out to call on customers, I was afraid of falling short of my quota for the month. Now as a journalist on my way to cover the 5Point Film Festival in Carbondale Colorado I’m afraid of dashing someone’s dreams.