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The Joy Trip Project

Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Festival / 07.11.2011

Adventure filmmakers Cory Richards and Anson Fogel took top honors in each relevant category at the 36th annual Banff Mountain Film Festival. Recognized for excellence in audio post-production and best climbing film Cold was also awarded the Grand Prize. “We never thought this raw, dark, R-rated movie would appeal to audiences. It was an experiment,” Fogel said. “Apparently the experiment worked.”
Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Festival / 05.11.2011

Friday night is typically when the fun really begins at the Banff Mountain Film Festival. The day of book lectures and workshops conclude with a gala cocktail party for guests and presenters. Late in the evening ticket holders gathered at the Eric Harvie Theatre for a special screening of the film "Cold" by Corey Richards and Anson Fogel followed by a Q&A featuring climber Simone Moro. Here are a few highlight shots of the day's events. [AFG_gallery id='6']   The Joy Trip Project Adventure Media Review is made possible with the...

Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Festival, Film preview / 04.11.2011

  Seven sensational ski movies screened to a packed audience at the Banff Mountain Film Festival’s annual Snow Show. A pretty ambitious program spanning almost three hours delivered the season’s first big dose of white powder with steep downhill descents, inspiring stories of courage, a nod to environmental protection and a romance that alpine passion made possible.   With content for skiers and snowboarders alike the selection of films this year was a good assortment of farce, fantasy and fun that promises to coax even the most sedentary spud off...

Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Festival / 02.11.2011

My wife Shamane, ace reporter and culinary connoisseur, asked while I was packing. “What kind of food will you eat in Banff?” Even after several visits to Canada I wasn’t really sure what kind of goodies I had to look forward to. So while I gave it some thought I stalled with the first thing that came to mind. “Canadian bacon,” I said as with chuckle.   A year ago I ordered breakfast with my friend writer and climber Jim Davidson, author of the new book “The Ledge.” At this mountain village café...

Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Festival / 31.10.2011

  I’ll probably never see the summit of Everest. I’ll likely not pilot a wingsuit from the snow-capped peak of the Eiger through the Swiss Alps. And even on my best day will I ever set a speed record climb to the top of Yosemite’s El Capitan. But I can dream, can’t I? [caption id="attachment_6280" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="courtesy of Cameron Martindell"][/caption] The 2011 Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival has begun in Alberta, Canada to give vision to the dream of high alpine adventure. My own aspirations notwithstanding I’m thrilled with the prospects of baring witness to those writers and filmmakers who have transformed their passion into reality. This gathering over 9 days is an much for me a Banff Mountain Dream Festival.
5Point, Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Review / 28.10.2011

Cold, a short from Forge Motion Pictures by Cory Richards and Anson Fogel, is the quintessential mountain film. Pieced together with loving care within hours of its premiere this summer at the 5 Point Film Festival, the movie has merit for all the critical details that make adventure media a genre unto itself. Showing next week at the Banff Mountain Film Festival in Alberta, Canada, Cold has all the elements that define the modern adventure flick with real, raw, and relevant content that inspires audiences to edge of their seats and the heights of their own ambitions.