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The Joy Trip Project

Examiner.com, Madison, Outdoor Recreation / 14.12.2009

Weather on race day was in the mid to high 20s. After a major blizzard and an unseasonable cold snap conditions marked by full sun made for an excellent Jingle Bell 10K Run/ 5K Run/Walk in Madison over the weekend. A few hundred hardy souls came out with their holiday attire to run the UW Arboretum course to benefit national and local efforts to treat and cure arthritis. Runners and walkers in Madison raised just under $30,000 in support of friends and neighbors whose ability to move freely is...

Quote of the day / 14.12.2009

“It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal” Helen Keller ~American author, activist and educator who lived with great passion and determination despite being blind and deaf. Photograph by Paul Zizka...