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The Joy Trip Project

Adventure Media Review, Banff, Breaking News, Film Festival / 01.11.2013

Australian adventurer Tim Cope was a novice rider when he set out on a 6,000-mile horseback journey across the Eurasian steppes. Interested in experiencing the nomadic way of life, he travelled for three years through Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Russia, the Ukraine, and Hungary. His book on the journey, On the Trail of Genghis Khan: An Epic Journey Through the Land of the Nomads (Bloomsbury, USA, 2013), has been awarded the Grand Prize at the 2013 Banff Mountain Book Competition. Chosen by an international jury from a shortlist of six finalists,...

Adventure Media Review, Film Review, Highlining, Life Out Loud, Slacklining / 28.10.2013

Perhaps one of the most critical questions that most any adventurer will ask themselves is, why? Once you get past the ego and obsession to achieve glory for having accomplished some amazing feat of athletic skill or daring everyone who risks the fortunes of life at some point will have to reconcile within their hearts and minds the purpose for which they dedicated even the least significant moments of their time on Earth and put everything on the line. In this short from Highliners Film http://www.highlinersfilm.com we get...

BASE Jumping, Destinations, Life Out Loud, Outdoor Recreation, Special Events / 23.10.2013

The dream of flight is a primal urge. And even though our species has evolved a respectful fear of falling it’s likely that most everyone has imagined what it must be like to soar through the air like a bird, to see the world from a great height and land safely to ground. On a beautiful October afternoon I had the opportunity to experience that sensation along with a few hundred others during the annual celebration of Bridge Day. ...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Breaking News, Environmental Journalism, Film preview, National Monuments, National Parks / 15.10.2013

"This is our home. It's where we raised our family. And like other national parks we've worked in it's a place we've worked hard to help people understand, enjoy and feel some ownership of. So it's very hard to make efforts to keep people out when we've worked our whole lives to get people in." ~ Anonymous ranger For nearly 100 years, national park rangers have dedicated their lives to protecting America's most precious places and the millions of people within their boundaries. But when Congress closed the national...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Environmental Journalism, Film preview, Life Out Loud, National Monuments, National Parks / 14.10.2013

Now that we’re beginning the third week of a federal government shutdown in the United States it’s about time we start to take a look at what’s at stake when funding suddenly stops. One of the most compelling views of our nation stands to loose can be found in a thoughtful series of videos on the YouTube channel NPS Wilderness: http://www.youtube.com/user/NPSWilderness. More than 400 national parks and monuments are closed today. And though a few will soon be opened thanks to state governments eager to maintain the flow of...