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The Joy Trip Project

Books, Commentary, Film preview, Madison / 03.02.2016

In the winter of 1993 I purchased three books. One changed my life forever. More than 20 years later just as I returned home from my latest series of talks and lectures based on a book of my own I sat in a coffee shop across the table from the author of the third title who may have most directly influenced my desire to become a writer. At the very least Eddy Harris was for me a role model who helped me to define my place in the...

Bikes, Commentary, Product review / 29.01.2016

Few things in life inspire enthusiasm like a bicycle. Even when you reach a certain age that sense of eager anticipation is hard to deny when you start making plans for pedal-powered excursions across town as part of a daily commute or over long distances in search of adventure. So when the folks at BeachBikes offered me the opportunity to try one of their wonderful cruisers I immediately jumped at the chance to take it for a spin. In the interests of full disclosure they gave me the new...

Commentary, Kids in Nature, Madison / 26.01.2016

After a deep breath to steady my nerves I pushed upon the door. Beginning my second year of public speaking I was in the habit now of arriving a few minutes early to gage the room and get a feel for the audience. Knowing what likely lay in store, this particular crowd made me a bit nervous. But fully committed now to my mission I set aside the anxiety I felt and smiled broadly in the face of my worst nightmare, a class of 30 sixth-graders. At Sherman Middle...

Balance Madison, Commentary / 19.01.2016

Now that we're well into the New Year most everyone I meet seems to ask me the same question: “What are you working on next?” I suppose that with that question comes the expectation of something more exciting than they might have previously imagined. After a 12-month tour filled with adventures from one end of the country to the other including a short detour through the national parks of Tanzania and a visit to White House I’m fairly certain that 2015 will be tough to beat. But rather than...

Adventure Activism, Capitol Christmas Tree / 24.12.2015

On this Christmas Eve I am reminded of the magnificent tree we delivered to the U.S. Captiol in Washington D.C. Over the past several weeks I've reported on the long journey of the People's Tree from the Chugach National Forest of Alaska that the Kenaitze First Nation Tribe called Ch'wala ka'a. When this 74-foot Lutz Spruce was dedicated on December 2, 2015 tribal members gathered in the halls of Congress to share songs and stories of their heritage that reflect a deep and profound relationship with the natural world....

Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Review, Podcast / 18.12.2015

[caption id="attachment_2063505" align="aligncenter" width="581"] Courtesy Sweetgrass Productions[/caption] From the opening  frames of the latest film by Sweetgrass Productions the monumental scale of the subject fills the screen. In concert with vocals and orchestra the images swell with the music in pace with the magnitude of a very controversial issue and the mountain wilderness which surrounds it. Never one to shy from the dramatic filmmaker Nick Waggoner sets the stage with meticulous care, like the conductor of a great opera. At the heart of this wonderful documentary is the age-old...