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The Joy Trip Project

#ORSummer, Black Lives Matter, Books, Diversity, Environmental Journalism, Magazines, On Assignment, Outdoor Retailer, Outside Magazine / 09.08.2021

After more than a year of social isolation due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, our community of outdoor professionals is finally getting back together. Today I’m heading home after the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market where I spent a busy week of reporting on a few events meant to celebrate the continuing growth and prosperity of the outdoor recreation industry. The week before many of us gathered at the first ever edition of The Big Gear Show in Park City, Utah. That incredible outdoor venue at the Deer Valley Ski Resort...

#BlackLivesMatter, #ORShow, #ORSummer, An American Ascent, Art, Black Lives Matter, Commentary, Diversity, Expedition Denali, Outdoor Retailer, Special Events / 05.08.2021

One Day One of the first annual Big Gear Show in Park City Utah, I had the great privilege of presenting to the outdoor recreation industry a commemorative portrait of Charles Madison Crenchaw, the first Black climber to reach the summit of North America’s tallest mountain, Denali. This original painting by the artist Lamont Joesph White celebrates the enduring legacy of an American mountaineer. On July 9, 1964 Charles Madison Crenchaw ascended to the highest physical point on the continent of North America. Just seven days after the...

Books, Diversity, The Joy Trip Reading Project / 07.07.2021

On June 30, 2021 at 5PM Central Time The Joy Trip Reading Project hosted our sixth online book discussion with Derick Lugo, author of the Unlikely Thru-Hiker.  Prior to the experiences portrayed in his debut memoir, this young writer had never hiked, camped or pitched a tent a day in his life. However, this Brooklyn-born, New York City urbanite hopped a train to Georgia, grabbed a taxi to the beginning of the Appalachian Trail, and then he did as he has always done — put one foot in...

#BlackLivesMatter, Black Lives Matter, Book Review, Books, Diversity, The Joy Trip Project Reading Circle / 24.05.2021

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Tomorrow May 25, 2021 marks the one-year anniversary of the day that George Floyd was killed by police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Already in the midst of the global Covid-19 Pandemic and an incredibly divisive presidential campaign year, this event ignited a firestorm of moral outrage that spanned the world with public demonstrations and protests. In the spirit of the Black Lives Matter Movement,  many of us took the time to educate ourselves on issues of social justice by reading books written...

Adventure Activism, Black Lives Matter, Breaking News, Climbing, Outdoor Recreation, The Adventure Gap / 21.04.2021

More people of color should be certified mountain guides. To lead in the spirit of that intention The Joy Trip Project is excited to announce the availability of the first Crenchaw Climbing Scholarship for an American Mountain Guides Association Single Pitch Instructor Course. This opportunity is available to those over 18 years of age who identify as Black, Indigenous or a person of color. Best candidates must also be dedicated to advancing the diversity, equity and inclusion of outdoor recreation and environmental conservation as a wilderness guide or...

#BlackLivesMatter, Adventure Activism, Adventure Racing, Black Lives Matter, Diversity, Magazines, Sierra Club, Sierra Magazine / 11.04.2021

Adventure racer Clifton Lyles assembled his most recent team of action-sport athletes to make history. Given a chance to try out for a spot on World's Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji—Amazon Prime's 2020 revival of a reality series that broadcast from 1995 to 2002, hosted by Bear Grylls—the former US marine put together Team Onyx, the first all-Black American adventure-racing team. Lyles is one of a growing number of Black men and women making a name for themselves in adventure racing, an adrenaline-fueled sport that pits competitors against one another...