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The Joy Trip Project

Book Tour, Commentary, Life Out Loud, The Adventure Gap / 11.03.2015

[caption id="attachment_2062934" align="aligncenter" width="603"] On the trail with a crew of young men led by Big City Mountaineers ~ 2003[/caption]   March 11, 2015 Next stop Burlington, Vermont. Now that I'm finishing up the last leg of The Adventure Gap college book tour a few of the students I've had the opportunity to connect with are reaching out with letters and comments. It's very exciting to know that the work I am doing has begun to resonate with young people around the country and I am very eager to engage in...

Commentary, Diversity, Environmental Justice, The Adventure Gap / 07.03.2015

I sometimes struggle to clearly define exactly what I mean when I talk about The Adventure Gap. The book I wrote of the same title details several specific examples of African-American women and men who had overcome their fear and apprehension to cross the divide between where they were and where they most wanted to be, to venture anywhere their hearts desired. Today most of the barriers that prevent us from achieving our full potential are in our minds. We often talk ourselves out of doing things that...

Book Tour, Commentary, The Adventure Gap / 28.02.2015

The Jetta rolled to a stop near the curb just outside of baggage claim at Dane County Regional Airport. Through the salt stained windshield my wife’s beaming smile shined bright as the sun. After a week of travel I couldn’t have been happier to see her as suddenly a song from my childhood came streaming through my mind. “Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself because I love you, yes, I do.” The James Taylor tune put a bounce in my step as I tossed my...

Adventure Media Review, Book Tour, Commentary, The Adventure Gap / 21.02.2015

Last night I had the great pleasure of addressing the community of Pomona College in Southern California. In a full presentation of Expedition Denali I shared several slides and stories detailed in my book The Adventure Gap and beautifully depicted in our film An American Ascent. As the house lights came up with the closing credits at the Rose Hills Theatre a small audience of supporters offered up a graciously round of applause. Beaming with pride I took a small bow as the student who served as the...

Adventure Media Review, Film Festival, Mountain & Adventure Film Festival / 03.02.2015

Throughout the month of February action movie fans will have the opportunity to watch many of the great shorts and features of the past year. The Mountain & Adventure Film Festival offers direct online streaming of many compelling dramas and documentaries that made the rounds at popular events across the globe including 5Point, MountainFilm, Kendal, Adventure Film and Banff. Bringing a bit of the energy and excitement of the alpine sports and environmental protection communities to the small screen, this online festival aims to expand the adventure movie...

Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Festival, Film preview, Interview, Paragliding, Skiing / 30.01.2015

Red Bull Air Force athlete Jon DeVore is riding high on the momentum of an emerging adventure sport. Combining his love of big mountain skiing and skydiving he and his teammates are putting themselves into some of the most inaccessible or inescapable terrain on the planet. Riding steep-angle lines on skis through hard to reach places with the help of a paraglider he’s on the cutting edge between two worlds. In his new film out this month at Red Bull On-Demand, DeVore pushes the boundaries of skiing beyond...