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The Joy Trip Project

Breaking News, Film Festival, Mountain Film / 03.04.2011

Mountain Film In Telluride adds a dose of comedy to this year's list of special guests. Activist/funny man Harry Shearer will be among the presenters at the annual celebration of environmental conservation and conscientious living. Said in an email announcement over the weekend from festival organizers  Shear is " best known for his voice work on "The Simpsons" (Mr. Burns, Smithers, Ned Flanders and many others) and as a member of the famous mock band Spinal Tap (which reunited in 2007 for a special performance at The Live Earth Concert), Harry is also a passionate activist who brings issues to light through comedy and satire.
Adventure Activism, Banff, Breaking News, Environmental Journalism, Mountain Film / 31.03.2011

I’m no critic. I’m actually more of a commentator, and if you’re a creator of adventure inspired media I’m looking to tell your story. Adventure media, movies, music, photographs and art, are in a genre all of their own. Truly unique expressions of active lifestyle culture, action pics, conservation documentaries, original songs, sculptures and paintings, help to fuel the passions of those eager for that next exciting journey. Artists, athletes and activists are cranking out hundreds of new works, feature films and web-based shorts that inspire a growing audience of millions around the world to both chase their dreams and fight to protect the wild places where they love to play. And the Joy Trip Project is where they meet to share their stories.
Film preview, Film Review, Magazines, National Geographic / 29.03.2011

The world of adventure has always meant life on the edge. But now that so many of our planet’s wonders have been thoroughly explored the boundaries that separate mundane and magnificent are getting harder and harder to find. That’s why National Geographic Adventure has commissioned a new video series called Fringe Elements. These documentary shorts profile those athletes who are pushing the envelope of endurance sports to a whole new level.
Banff, Bikes, Breaking News, Charitable Giving, Cycling, Outdoor Recreation, philanthropy, Television / 27.03.2011

In a sequel to his original movie Take A Seat, adventure filmmaker Dominic Gill will release a new television series for Universal Sports on April 4th. Called Take A Seat: Sharing a ride across America, the project follows a bicycle journey from Los Angeles to New York City. In keeping with the theme of his first trip, Dom's riding a tandem bike and all along the way he s picking up people, random strangers to peddle with him. Before when he road 20,000 miles from Alaska to Argentina he d pick up just about anyone. But this time he ' s only bringing along people with a disability.
Banff, BASE Jumping, Climbing, Film Festival, Film Review, Yosemite / 25.03.2011

In the best mountain adventure films a successful summit bid is never a forgone conclusion. Throughout the 15-pitch climb of The Asgard Project, a movie by Alastair Lee, you’re left wondering, “Are these guys are going to make it?” That riveting sense of anticipation will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. And though it received the prize for Best Film on Climbing at the 2010 Banff Mountain Film Festival even those with no alpine aspirations will enjoy The Asgard Project. It’s simply a great piece of cinema.
Environmental Journalism, Environmental Protection, Expedition News, National Geographic, National Parks / 24.03.2011


National Geographic Young Explorers Dashiell Masland and Trevor Frost are contending to save the world, at least a small piece of it. Hoping to continue work in progress both are angling to raise awareness for the preservation of wild animal species in remote corners of the planet. Going head-to-head in a competition for funding to support their respective conservation projects, the two want your vote in the Expedition Granted contest.

As part of Expedition Week that starts April 3rd on the National Geographic Channel, viewers are invited to register online and cast their ballots for the explorer they like best. With the added incentive of winning a free trip to the Galapagos Islands for themselves, voters have the chance to provide Trevor or Dash with an expedition grant worth $10,000.