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The Joy Trip Project

Adventure Media Review, Film preview, Film Review, Kayaking / 26.06.2012

Art and action come together in the latest episode from the Skip Armstrong film series Of Souls & Water. Posted online this week to National Geographic Adventure Magazine The Shapeshifter raises the adrenaline bar more than just a few notches as this third film marks a dramatic transition from stories of calm contemplative flat water to a hard charging opus of raging white. "We always envisioned an action oriented film in the series that was divergent from the rest," Armstrong said in an exchange on Facebook. "This one took...

5Point, 5Point to MountainFilm Tour, Adventure Media Review, Film Review, Mountain Film / 25.06.2012

At the heart of any great adventure story are the passionate souls who risk life and limb in pursuit of their dreams. Today modern explorers seem compelled to put themselves under dicy circumstances just to see what's over the next horizon. But have you ever wondered what inspires them to return home? The new web series Wild Love gives audiences an intimate view into the lives of leading adventure athletes and the relationships that bring greater meaning to an otherwise solitary existences. Having premiered three episodes at the...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Cool on Kickstarter, Environmental Journalism, Environmental Protection, Film preview, Mountain Film / 15.06.2012

Artist and filmmaker Chris Jordan fully intends to break your heart. His latest project currently in production takes a hard look at the role of plastics in the tragic deaths of albatross on the Midway Atoll in the South Pacific. These majestic sea birds die by the tens of thousands each year as they ingest plastic debris floating in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a gyre of marine litter believed to cover an area twice the size of the Hawaiian Islands. In his movie "Midway" Jordan aims, as...

Adventure Media Review, Film Review, Skiing / 14.06.2012

Just when you thought you put the ski season behind you, the filmmakers at Sweetgrass Productions deliver a new series of shorts from South America "On The Road to Solitaire". Over the next seven weeks master storyteller Rick Wagoner offers up a few behind-the-scenes tales of an epic ski excursion across the southern hemisphere where the summer calendar still means snow. In the first installment "The End of the Line", skiers ride the railways of Bolivia in search of their next adventure. But the crew gets shut down when...

5Point to MountainFilm Tour, Adventure Media Review, Climate Change, Environmental Protection, Film Festival, Film Review, Mountain Film / 11.06.2012

Environmental protection is hardly a laughing matter. Companies with offices around the world are stepping up efforts to minimize their impact on the planet by going green and there's nothing funny about it. But a film by Jonathan Browning and Screaming Frog Productions shows what can happen when a cubical commander and his corporate overlords take their responsibilities for recycling and reducing waste a bit too seriously. With the management style of Steve Carell an office boss hires a stealthy black-clad warrior to enforce new policies of...