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The Joy Trip Project

Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Festival / 30.10.2012

Up long before dawn this morning for an alpine start. The alarm clock got me up at 3:30 AM with time to spare for a 4:30 check-in at Dane County Regional Airport in Madison, Wisconsin. As hurricane Sandy rages along the East Coast I'm grateful to be heading west far into the Canadian Rockies of Alberta.It's great to be back in Banff! Technically, the 2012 Banff Mountain Film Festival started three days ago. The week-long celebration of the adventure lifestyle is an annual event not to be missed. With...

Adventure Media Review, Art, Breaking News, Business, Photography / 25.10.2012

A cohort of the outdoor industry's leading photographers are joining forces to create an earthshaking consortium of adventure mediamaking. The Tectonic Media Group is a top flight collaboration of talented artist/athletes that includes Jimmy Chin, Tyler Stableford, Corey Rich and Jeff Curtes. An adjunct to Novus Select, a New York-based photography agency, the new organization has created a talent pool to take full advantage of the depth and breath of multimedia resources now in high demand. "Outdoor photography has always been a strength of Novus. But we really wanted...

Adventure Media Review, Environmental Protection, Film Review / 23.10.2012

The preservation of our nation's waterways is an issue of growing urgency. But as it is with most natural resources we take for granted few people will ever fight to protect something they do not know. Where the Yellowstone Goes, a new film by Hunter Weeks, is an intimate introduction to an ancient river that was old long before Lewis & Clark embarked upon their expedition more than 200 years ago. Following the path of America's first great explorers along the Yellowstone River through Montana to North Dakota...

Adventure Activism, Climbing, Diversity, Expedition Denali / 17.10.2012

(This story is the second installment that details the latest Expedition Denali training mission to the summit of Mount Baker ) My field of vision was restricted to a bright white cone of light. The beam of my headlamp reflected back the blue-grey footprints of the climbers on lead ahead of me. Overnight the summer slush had frozen to a solid mass of ice that threatened with every step to sweep my feet right out from under me. On the Easton Glacier of Mount Baker at 4 o'clock in...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Film preview, Madison / 15.10.2012

It goes without saying that I love mountain movies. The whole genre of adventure media is thrilling for more than just the imagery that displays the daring exploits of men and women on high alpine peaks or sheer walls of granite thousands of feet above the ground. These new films created by artists and athletes from around the world are exciting because unlike most of your Hollywood-style cinema these movies depict the true-life stories of real people. And the adventures they portray are infinitely accessible to anyone with...

Adventure Film, Adventure Media Review, Film Festival / 10.10.2012

Like most meetings of our tribe the 9th annual Adventure Film Festival in Boulder had the feel of a family reunion. And in many ways that truly matter that's exactly what it was. When the late Jonny Copp started this gathering of outdoor artists and athletes so many years ago he established a place in time when kindred spirits rallied in celebration of their shared culture in adventure, to applaud their accomplishments of the recent past, make bold plans for the future and sadly honor the dead. Now directed by Copp's sister Aimee, Adventure Film continues to be far more than a collection of mountain inspired movies. An intimate moment over a long weekend the festival is a meeting place for a community whose bonds beyond blood forge friendships and collaborations to explore the literal heights of human endeavor, illustrated with camera and canvas. It's that sense of community which is Adventure Film's greatest strength. At a time when many of the features included in the program can be easily viewed over the Internet for free the price of admission provides those who attend a seat at the table where the festival not only serves up great content but company. Together among the best adventure filmmakers and explorers of our time aspiring creatives can mingle with and learn from real people like themselves who defied the odds of failure to achieve success. The festival began with a exhibition of flavor for each of the five perceptions of art. Senses of Adventure curated by Devaki Murch at the Prana store put on display an expression of beauty for the ear, eyes, nose, tongue and fingertips. Featured artists included professional climbers Renan Ozturk, Jeremy Collins and Katie Rutherford. Their paintings depicted landscapes and mountain summits of their travels. Throughout the weekend other programs like the Outside Adventure Film School brought to the festival a range of talented filmmakers to share their experiences and offer guidance. Filmmaking veterans including Michael Brown and Tyler Young provided invaluable advice alongside relative newcomers like Alexandria Bombach, people who's award winning films are setting a high standard for the latest in adventure media. In attendance as a student was the Oscar-winning producer of "The Hurt Locker" Tony Mark. The movies presented at the festival over two days of screening included 44 of the best adventure films of 2012. Across a broad range of topics from people with disabilities to the plight of oppressed women in the Middle East filmmakers brought back stories from all over the globe. Unlike the adrenaline driven movies of the not so distant past contributions to Adventure Film have incredibly compelling narratives, strong characters and excellent cinematography. Gone are the days of ski porn with gratuitous orgies of snow, altitude and speed. What remains is the true essence of adventure as art form, as depicted in the lives of those who follow their dreams.