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The Joy Trip Project

Commentary, Outdoor Recreation / 20.07.2009

[caption id="attachment_492" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2009 "]Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2009 [/caption] It’s that time of year again. The Outdoor Retailer Summer Market kicks off this morning with the Open Air Demo in Ogden, Utah. Then starting tomorrow and through the next four days about 30,000 exhibitors, retailers, outfitters, service providers and environmental activists will gather in Salt Lake City to share our common passion for all things outdoors. Held twice each year, winter and summer, OR is like a combination of Christmas and a class union. Everywhere you look there’re bright and shiny new toys to play with and old friends you haven’t seen in way too long. It’s also a meeting of some of the brightest minds tasked with the creation of practical products and systems to allow people to lead an active sustainable lifestyle.
Bikes, Commentary, Cycling, Madison, Outdoor Recreation / 19.07.2009

[caption id="attachment_484" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Team Joy Trip post Ride For Boys & Girls Club"]TeamJoyTrip[/caption] So far our Bike For Boys & Girls Club team has raised $1,375. With a more than a month of fundraising still to go we’re well on track to reach our goal of $3,500. On Saturday July 18th 14 of my cycling friends and I road our bikes 50 miles around the Madison area to help promote programs that engage disadvantaged young people in our community. And though we’ve ridden this familiar route dozens of times for our own enjoyment there was something truly special about doing it this time for such a worthy cause. --
Bikes, Cycling, Examiner.com, Madison, Outdoor Recreation / 13.07.2009

The attention of the cycling world is clearly focused this week on the Tour De France. As Lance Armstrong makes an amazing play for his 8th win after three years in retirement, just about everyone who pulls out their bike these days wonders how they might stack up against the grueling pace over 3,500 kilometers of steep mountain roads. Especially here in Wisconsin, home of Trek Bicycle where Lance’s bikes are made, citizen riders pound pedal to pavement over scenic routes throughout Dane County that are as good...

Commentary, Fashion / 09.07.2009

[caption id="attachment_405" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Outdoor Reps Association Summer Fashion Show"][/caption] Even if you're an environmentalist, fashion matters. Technical garments made sustainably allow us to encounter the natural world in comfort, grace and style. This series of photographs was taken during a fashion show at the Outdoor Reps Association Summer Market in Madison, Wisconsin. The models are all volunteers and passionate about their active lifestyles. Visit Flickr! for the complete array of photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nwsr8th/sets/72157621090335831/ ...

Mountain Film, Podcast / 06.07.2009

[caption id="attachment_382" align="alignleft" width="288" caption="Chef Ming Tsai"][/caption] Ming Tsai is the chef and owner of Blue Ginger Restaurant in Wellesley Massachusetts. He’s also the national spokesman for the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network and works with the Obesity Center at Harvard University. You might have seen him on his PBS cooking show Simply Ming. Tsai understands better than most that it’s harder than ever for working families and individuals to prepare healthy meals. Tsai was the master of ceremonies during a day-long symposium on food during the Mountain Film Festival...