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The Joy Trip Project

Everyone In A Park, Everyone Outside, National Forests, National Monuments, National Parks, Public Land / 18.09.2020

Last year on my birthday I celebrated by giving the gift of an annual National Park and Federal Recreational Lands Pass to a complete stranger. Thanks to the generosity of private donors in 2019 I was able to extend that same gift to 5 other people in our community throughout the month of September! Today I am thrilled to announce that I have another 5 passes to give away donated by my friends at USParkPass.com. This $80 value for each pass will help to reduce the financial barrier...

Black In National Parks Week, Diversity, Greening Youth Foundation, National Parks, Nelson Institute, Outdoor Recreation, ReThinkOutside, Sierra Club, Uncategorized / 28.08.2020

On August 25th, 2020 The Joy Trip Project had the great honor and privilege to host a distinguished panel of experts. To mark the 104th Anniversary of the National Park Service those who gathered brought their thoughts and lived experiences to explore the long history and future of Black people as stewards of our public land. Our panelists included: independent scholar Dr. Carolyn Finney, Dr. Nina Roberts Professor of recreation, parks and tourism at San Francisco State University, Yosemite National Park Ranger Shelton Johnson, former National Park Director Robert...

#BlackLivesMatter, Black In National Parks Week, Diversity, Film preview, National Monuments, National Parks, Public Land, ReThinkOutside / 25.08.2020

During Black In National Parks Week The Joy Trip Project is pleased to host a FREE online screening of the documentary film “No Time To Waste ~ The Urgent Mission of Betty Reid Soskin”. Featuring the true story of the oldest living National Park Ranger, this compelling narrative recounts the importance of preserving our national heritage through a comprehensive interpretation of history that includes the lives of every American citizen. As a Black woman whose lived experience includes the Great Depression, Second World War, Civil Rights Movement and...

Diversity, Environmental Journalism, National Geographic, National Parks, Outdoor Recreation, ReThinkOutside / 19.08.2020

WHEN I BEGAN exploring the outdoors, I had no idea that Black people had played a vital role in the creation of Yosemite, one of my favorite national parks. I had never heard the story of the park’s connection with Charles Young and the Buffalo Soldiers, and when I finally did, at age 42, it came to me as a complete surprise. In the 10 years since, I’ve learned the stories of Stephen Bishop and Mammoth Caves, Lancelot Jones and Biscayne Bay, and many other people of color who have influenced national...

Diversity, National Parks, ReThinkOutside / 17.08.2020

Since the earliest days of our national parks Black Americans have played an active part in the preservation of our public land. From Stephen Bishop, a guide at Mammoth Caves before the Civil War, to the Buffalo Soldiers who patrolled Yosemite at the turn of the last century, to Lancelot Jones who advocated for the creation of Biscayne National Park in Florida, people of African descent were part of the notion that set aside special places for the enjoyment of all people. As the naturalist Wallace Stegner once...

#BlackLivesMatter, Adventure Activism, Diversity, National Parks, Outdoor Recreation, Outdoors For All, Photography, Public Land, ReThinkOutside, Social Media / 10.08.2020

On August 25, 2020 the National Park Service will celebrate its 104th anniversary. To mark the occasion Nicole Jackson, co-organizer of #BlackBirdersWeek and Next Generation Advisory Council member of the National Parks Conservation Association, has inspired a commemoration to acknowledge the often-overlooked narratives of those who have contributed to more than a century of conscientious public land management. The Joy Trip Project is pleased to announce Black In National Parks Week! [caption id="attachment_2067219" align="alignright" width="250"] Nicole Jackson[/caption] Starting on August 24th post images to social media with #BlackInNationalParks or #BlackInNationalParksWeek...