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The Joy Trip Project

Africa, Breaking News, Charitable Giving, Ethiopia, philanthropy / 15.02.2011

There’s nothing quite like having your imagination transformed into reality. Less than five months ago I stood taking pictures of a hole in the ground and pile of stones on a dusty plain in Sub-Saharan Africa. Today I received a photograph via Facebook of the newly dedicated Laelay Wukro Community Primary School. Though I was not surprised, I continue to be amazed.

Capital Region Business Journal, Charitable Giving, Madison, Magazines, philanthropy, Sustainable Living / 15.02.2011

Home improvement projects and discount building supplies make for strong communities at the Habitat For Humanity ReStore. Stocked exclusively with donated new and used household materials this retail establishment on Madison’s Eastside helps low-income wage earners work their way to homeownership while keeping tons of construction waste out of area landfills. The first of its kind in Wisconsin the ReStore at 208 Cottage Grove Road is now one of 19 locations in the state that take in unwanted supplies for home renovation. Staffed by volunteers the business with 750 storefronts nationwide offers those eligible for a home construction grant to invest their time and energy working to provide affordable supplies to Madison do-it-yourselfers on a budget.
Africa, Breaking News, Climbing, Environmental Journalism, Environmental Protection, Ethiopia, Manic Media Monday, Photography / 14.02.2011

It’s good to finally be caught up. After months of road trips, foreign travel and writing projects this Monday morning I suddenly find myself at the top the news cycle ready to take another lap. Now that Season Three of the Joy Trip Project is well underway it’s time to start taking a look around the world of adventure see what’s going on. Here are six stories to watch this week: Imagine One Day Opens Registration for Ethiopia Tour 2011:   [caption id="attachment_4575" align="alignright" width="368"] Majka Burhardt setting new routes in Ethiopia[/caption] If...

Assignment Earth, Climate Change, Environmental Journalism, National Parks, Video / 03.02.2011

A love of backcountry skiing explains David Gonzales’ obsession with white bark pines. A writer and photographer, he spends a lot of time beneath these ancient trees. But the white barks are under attack. And that has this skier marshaling forces to fight back. Once the snow melts, he leads volunteers called Tree Fighters into the forest surrounding Yellowstone National Park. Tree Fight is an organization that is working to curb the loss of white bark pines due to the escalating impact of climate change. Scientists say rising temperatures have opened the door to a mountain pine beetle invasion. White barks live at the highest, harshest elevations in the northwestern United States and Southwestern Canada. Extremely cold temperatures used to keep this native pest at lower elevations. Now these beetles are capitalizing on warmer temperatures, killing white barks at a staggering rate. Tree Fight aims to stop them.
Snow / 02.02.2011

Reports are coming in from survivors of the recent snowstorm in Chicago. Joy Trip Project friend, fan and now correspondent Geoff Burton sent this writer’s notebook. It's been twenty hours since the Storm of the Millennium targeted and devastated the once mighty city of Chicago. Rations are few as all grocery stores were ravaged yesterday afternoon. My own supplies are nearly depleted - I only have two bags of jelly beans and three 1-pound bags of Boston Baked Beans left. Fortunately essential supply outlets managed somehow to stay open: Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds and Starbucks. It is rumored that Chipotle Grill will open soon.
#ORWinter, Climate Change, Environmental Protection, Interview, Outdoor Recreation, Podcast, Skiing, Skiing / 31.01.2011

[caption id="attachment_4544" align="alignleft" width="311"] alisongannett.com[/caption] There are plenty of people out there talking about climate change. But how many are actually doing something about it. Even those of us who spend a lot of time outdoors can be guilty of contributing to the destruction of the natural environment we love. We fly in jets from place to place for the sake of adventure. And many of us are still driving low gas mileage carbon emitting SUVs. Our active lifestyles can put a really hurting on the planet. So that’s why we can all  take a few lessons from professional skier and environmental advocate Alison Gannett.