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The Joy Trip Project

#ORWinter / 17.01.2012

It's finally snowing like it should in Madison, Wisconsin. Waiting to board a Frontier flight to Denver I'm told we're still cleared to take off. So I'm on my way to Salt Lake City bound for the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market That’s saying a lot because 2012 marks 20 years for me attending this biannual gathering of all things adventure. I quite literally own items of technical clothing that’s older than some of the top athletes on the snow scene today. But I’m thrilled for the opportunity twice each...

Food / 15.01.2012

I've been trying to make a decent sourdough bread for years. This weekend I think I finally succeeded. My wife Shamane, who's by far the better baker, had created a starter I was certain I must have murdered. Cultures of bacteria that make bread rise with life had thrived for weeks in our refrigerator. But I nearly laid waste to the entire population with a premature dose of salt in failed attempt at flavor. Fortunately for the bugs and my marriage  they survived to make frothy sponge of...

Adventure Media Review, Breaking News, Climbing, Magazines / 10.01.2012

Ventura, CA (January 9, 2012)— The recipients of the 2012 Mugs Stump Award were announced today. The award, sponsored by Alpinist Magazine, Black Diamond Equipment, Ltd., Mountain Gear, Patagonia, Inc., and W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., was created in 1992 in memory of Mugs Stump, one of North America’s most visionary climbers. In the 20 years since its inception, the Mugs Stump Award has provided $324,000 in grants to small teams pursuing climbing objectives that exemplify light, fast, and clean alpinism.   The applications received for 2012 included many strong...

Art, Commentary, Video, Yoga / 08.01.2012

  A new yoga video posted on YouTube inspires tens of thousands to pursue the practice. But it seems that many others find it sexually provocative, disrespectful of the female form and an affront to the principles of mindful movement. Personally I was more than a little shocked to discover that the 3 minute 29 second film produced by Equinox health clubs featuring Briohny Smyth could be construed as anything short of amazing. It just goes to show that when it comes to any exploration of the human condition...

Adventure Media Review, Video / 06.01.2012

When it comes to making adventure media not everyone should. Product manufacturers in particular tend to have a hard time separating the creative from the commercial. But this week Tennessee-based Jackson Kayak launched a new monthly video series that could become the model for sharing a company’s passion of outdoor recreation while promoting the products that make it possible. JKTV is the latest in a long line of online productions from the first family of paddling. For decades Eric Jackson along with is wife Kristine, his daughter Emily and...