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The Joy Trip Project

Adventure Activism, National Forests, National Parks, New Century Vision / 06.06.2016

After 16 days of rafting the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon I was still covered in a fine layer of dust and sand. Even having taken a shower eariler that morning I carried that residual film of grime you inevitably accumulate while camping. Noseblind to my own body odor I'm sure that I stank, but with a few hours left to kill before my flight back home to Wisconsin I just had to make a visit to the Canyon Rim for one last look and to begin the...

Commentary, Life Out Loud, National Parks / 09.05.2016

People tell me I have a problem. When I go out with friends or whenever I'm alone I am constantly working the buttons of my iPhone. Texting, updating my Facebook status, posting photos to Instagram I'm constantly plugged into to the Internet world of Social Media. But despite being so thoroughly connect with thousands of people around the planet I have never been so disengaged from the world in which I live. As a communications professional I enjoy the excuse of endulging this online obsession as acts of necessity....

Balance Madison, Madison / 07.05.2016

More than 200 community leaders gathered at the Monona Terrace Convention Center to discuss Madison’s energy future. In an event hosted by the local utility company Madison Gas & Electric area residents with a vested interest in safe, reliable and affordable power generation shared their thoughts on how businesses and private homes might receive the best possible products and services. Unlike the typical “town hall meeting”, where attendees voice their opinions one at a time while standing in line in front of a microphone, this gathering was a well-orchestrated...

Books, Climbing, In Memoria, Podcast / 04.05.2016

If you've been following the news recently you probably heard that there was a startling discovery in the mountains of Tibet. The bodies of climber Alex Lowe and filmmaker David Bridges were discovered near the sight of a tragic 1999 avalanch at the base of Mt Shishapangma. After 17 years the legacy of Alex Lowe is continues through the lives his surviving climbing parnter Conrad Anker, his wife Jennifer and his sons Max, Sam and Issac. In his name the Alex Lowe Foundation works support and improve the lives of indigenous...

Children In Nature Initiative, Diversity, Healthy Living, Kids in Nature, Life Out Loud / 18.04.2016

The City of Madison is on course to start an exciting initiative. With a planning grant of $25,000 from the Children & Nature Network in partnership with the National League of Cities Institute for Youth several public, non-profit and private institutions are working together to formulate a program to make the many outdoor recreation resources of our community more accessible to kids. With a few organizational meetings already concluded and a collaborative process set in motion, efforts are now underway to make Madison a national leader in nature-based...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Podcast / 15.04.2016

One of the things I love most about this podcast is the ability to tell amazing stories. And in the process I also help to raise awareness for some very important causes. With your support the Joy Trip Project has been able to back more than few Kickstarter campaigns as well as provide financial support to folks in need through Indie-Go-Go. And it was just such a request that reminded me of a story I did in 2008 when I met my good friend Chad Jukes. He's currently...