
Diversity, Fly Fishing, National Parks, Public Land, ReThinkOutside, Uncategorized / 09.04.2020

If you follow the Instagram feed of Christine Hill (@misschrisyface )you’ve probably been inspired to at least consider taking up fly fishing. An environmental lobbyist for the Sierra Club based in Washington D.C., she splits her time between the Halls of Congress and the mountain streams of Haines, Alaska. Along with her boyfriend, professional fishing guide Greg Schlachter, Hill hauls in enormous Coho, Chum, Kug and King salmon varieties with infectious joy and enthusiasm. With every shot she inspires her fans and followers to imagine themselves casting a fly...

Diversity, Film Review, National Monuments, Public Land, ReThinkOutside / 04.03.2020

For many, it’s hard to imagine or even believe that they are owners of public land. In a nation defined by the displacement of native people and an economy originally built on the backs of slaves stolen from another continent, it’s safe to say that America has a very complicated history when it comes to understanding exactly who this land belongs to. A new short film directed by Whit Hasset and Chelsea Jolly follows a journey of discovery across a disputed territory at risk of being taken out...

Adventure Media Review, Diversity, Environmental Protection, Everyone Outside, Film preview, Film Review, National Forests, National Parks, Public Land, ReThinkOutside / 27.02.2020

Imagine what our world would look like today if from the outset our public lands were made open and accessible to everyone. The history of our national parks and recreation areas is riddled with tragic narratives of exclusion that have deprived marginalized communities of not only the chance to spend time in the outdoors but to become part of the movement to protect and preserve the natural world. A new short film from the Outbound Collective aims to turn that notion on its head by welcoming in an...

Books, Diversity, Greening Youth Foundation, Interview, National Forests, National Parks, Podcast, ReThinkOutside / 13.01.2020

Hey everybody it’s January 2020 Happy New Year! In fact happy new decade for the 21st century. It’s kind of cool to be living in the future, a time I tried to imagine as a kid growing up in the 80s. But here we are. It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come. And still what a long way yet to go. If you’ve been following my work on this podcast or in a few magazine articles I’ve written over last few years you know that I put a lot of effort into the topic of diversity, equity and inclusion or DEI in the world outdoor recreation and environmental conservation. Throughout the last decade I’ve reported a lot about the progress that the outdoor industry has made in creating positive cultural and professional environments for people of color, the differently abled, those who identify as LGBTQ and other socially marginalized communities. But there is still so much that outdoor retailers, manufactures and non profit organizations can do to create spaces where everyone can not only be made to feel welcome, but encouraged to thrive, succeed and excel. I spent a bit of time throughout 2019 exploring how various institutions in the outdoor industry are rethinking the various pathways they can take to get a wide variety of different people outside.
Banff, Diversity, Film Festival / 01.12.2019

Right up to the moment we were about to start I was convinced no one was going to show up. A chilly wet snow had begun to fall at the Banff Centre and I was certain that few would welcome the opportunity to gather outside for a fireside chat, even if there was free hot chocolate. When the folks at Mountain Equipment Co-Op asked me to moderate a panel discussion on diversity, equity and inclusion in the outdoors on the final day of the Banff Mountain Film Festival, of course I immediately said yes. But when the moment arrived I sincerely doubted that we would draw crowd willing to discuss these complicated issues while standing out in the cold. Turns out I was wrong.
Banff, Climbing, Diversity, Film Festival, Influencers, ReThinkOutside / 31.10.2019

From the moment I first arrived I was made to feel welcome. I remember on that first day, years ago,  I was greeted so warmly by Jim Olver the director of customer service at the Banff Centre For Arts & Creativity.

You just showed up and glommed on to one of my tours,” he reminded me. “Now look at you. You’re back as a big-time speaker.”

For more than a decade I’ve enjoyed the privilege of attending the Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival in Alberta, Canada. Like most aspiring adventurers I first became aware of Banff through the amazing films that tour the world every year and feature the best athletes in the sports of skiing, climbing, mountain biking and kayaking. I was also inspired by the remarkable stories of passionate people and communities that express their place in the world through an active relationship with nature. And despite marginal skills and few noteworthy accomplishments as an alpinist I managed to become part of this annual 9-day celebration of mountain culture.