
#BlackLivesMatter, Capitol Christmas Tree, Commentary, Destinations, Diversity / 29.11.2016

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n a brisk afternoon in late November I walked from the United States Capitol Building to the Smithsonian Museum of African-American History & Culture in Washington D.C. My legs were a bit sore having already spent a long morning on my feet taking pictures of the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree. Just arrived from its home in the Payette National Forest near McCall, Idaho the People’s Tree had made a long journey of more than 3,800 miles over four weeks of travel to receive a hero’s welcome from a...

Commentary, Diversity, Environmental Justice, Essays / 11.10.2016

Fall chores had preempted my regularly scheduled Sunday morning rituals. Yoga would have to wait as I raked the first round of fallen leaves from the lawn and prepared a pile of yard waste in anticipation of a Thursday pick-up. Sasha came bounding into the garden like a black scud missile on target to obliterate my efforts in a flurry of paws and her wagging tail. Our puppy loves the displacement of splashing puddles and swirling leaves as she turns every moment of our lives into a happy...

Breaking News, Center For Humans & Nature, Diversity, Greening Youth Foundation, National Monuments, National Parks / 09.09.2016

[caption id="attachment_2064043" align="alignright" width="575"] Greening Youth Interns meet with US Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell in Washington DC[/caption]   Until the lion learns to write, the tale of the hunt will glorify the hunter ~ African Proverb   [dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen I was collage-age I doubt that I would have had the poise or presence of mind to speak to a cabinet member of a sitting President.  The students who met with U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell carried themselves with a level of confidence and conviction that I couldn’t help but...

Commentary, Diversity, National Parks, New Century Vision, On Assignment, Yosemite / 07.09.2016

As fate would have it, I was heading to Yosemite any way. It was just a few days in advance of my departure on a two-week Joy Trip with stops in California then Utah, a sharp right turn to Washington DC and back to California. I had already arranged a few interviews to gain some additional perspective on the role that people of color play in efforts to protect and preserve the natural world. So when a travel editor from the Guardian newspaper in London contacted by email...

Diversity, Interview, Life Out Loud, National Parks, New Century Vision, Public Land, Yosemite / 18.08.2016

[dropcaps type='normal' font_size='65' color='#eb9617' background_color='' border_color='']W[/dropcaps]   hen visitors arrive at Yosemite National Park Ranger Shelton Johnson is there to greet them. With a broad smile and a twinkle in his eye he extends a warm hand of welcome to all who enter into this remarkable landscape that is a wonder to all the world to behold. Shelton is among the many dedicated professionals charged with the task of protecting this and other areas of public land across the United States so that they might be enjoyed for...

Diversity, Essays, Interview, New Century Vision, Podcast, The Centennial Initiative / 08.08.2016

In March 2016 a group of environmental activists came together to share a vision. Gathered from across the country this eclectic mix of men and women came to Washington D.C. in order to  collaborate on the creation of a plan to protect and preserve the natural spaces of the United States for future generations. As our National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary the group aims to make it possible for those in our society least likely to spend time in the outdoors to become passionate stewards of...