
Adventure Activism, An American Ascent, Charitable Giving, Diversity, Film preview, Madison / 28.09.2015

After almost a year of festival screenings around the country I’m very excited to announce that our film on Expedition Denali called An American Ascent is finally coming to Madison. Hosted by Edgewood College in the Anderson Auditorium on October 17, 2015 at 7PM I’ll share this documentary film that details the first team of African-American climbers to attempt a summit of the highest peak in North America. And like the expedition itself this event aims to encourage a new generation of young people to become involved in...

Commentary, Destinations, Diversity, Fly Fishing, Kids in Nature, National Parks, Outdoor Recreation, Social Media / 02.09.2015

As summer draws to a close across North America I have noticed something most profound. After more than 20 years as a professional in the outdoor recreation industry I’ve begun to see more people of color than ever before venturing out into the natural world. This is of course an anecdotal observation base not in fact. But the depth and volume of stories and photographs posted to social media reveals to me that things have indeed changed. I am both encouraged and inspired by the bold exciting ways...

Adventure Activism, Diversity, Environmental Justice, High Country News, Interview, Sierra Club / 29.08.2015

Raised during the height of the civil rights and environmental justice movements, Aaron Mair, the recently elected president of the Sierra Club, is a force of social change to be reckoned with. His pedigree as an advocate for the preservation of natural spaces and for equal access to public land spans decades. And as the first African-American president in the club’s history, Mair aims to address critical socio-economic issues often neglected by the conservation community. An expert in spatial epidemiology with a degree in Southwest Asian and North African...

#ORShow, #ORSummer, Commentary, Diversity / 10.08.2015

On the last day of the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market I received a message on Facebook. Walking briskly down one of bustling aisles of the Salt Palace I paused for a moment to read this text. “Anything interesting come out of the diversity conversation?” The question came from my friend and colleague Teresa Baker, founder of the African-American National Parks Event and an advocate for bringing more people of color into the world of outdoor recreation and environmental conservation. Without breaking stride I rattled off a quick reply. “Only that smart...

Adventure Activism, Commentary, Diversity, Outdoor Retailer / 03.08.2015

[caption id="attachment_2063178" align="aligncenter" width="489"] photo by John Maniaci[/caption] Today is the launch of my first television commercial. I say first as if this will be the beginning in a procession of broadcast appearances, but as I indeed have a face for radio this could possibly be my last. So it goes. As it happens this week could actually mark instead the next phase of my rather sordid career. Through much of my life as The Outdoor Professional I’ve tried to stay pretty much invisible. My own story I prefer to...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Diversity, Environmental Justice, Environmental Protection, Film preview, National Parks, Yosemite / 27.07.2015

The National Parks are for everyone. A new short film illustrates the efforts underway to invite and welcome more people to enjoy their parks than ever before. Our outdoor public spaces, which include historic sites, memorials and monuments, are indeed open and accessible to anyone willing and able to venture out into the wide world, but there are significant segments of the population that simply don’t. Like many aspects of modern society in the United States of America these divisions of use within our public lands fall steadily...