
Adventure Media Review, Diversity, Expedition Denali, The Adventure Gap / 19.10.2014

[caption id="attachment_2062688" align="aligncenter" width="488"] photo by Carolyne Richardson Sutton[/caption] Under the weight of my backpack I resisted the urge to break into a full sprint as I walked with purpose down Pearl Street. Prone to sweat profusely with even the least physical exertion I moved through the crowd on the mall, dodging other pedestrians at a moderate pace but as quickly as possible. Though I was prepared to give my presentation at the Boulder Bookstore without the benefit of slides, at least one member of the audience who arrived early...

Diversity, Fly Fishing, Healthy Living, Influencers, Outdoor Recreation, Stand Up Paddling, Urban Revitalization / 29.09.2014

There is nothing more wonderful than the delight of an enthusiastic child. Of the all children who came out to Hunts Point Riverside Park to try Tenkara Fly Fishing for the first time Adrian, age 8, was by far the most over joyed with the prospects of getting a bite. “I really want one of these,” he said holding out his loaner fly rod. “I want to catch fish.” Adrian picked up the basic skill required to cast his line out over the Bronx River. A first time angler from...

Adventure Media Review, Diversity, Environmental Justice, Expedition Denali, National Parks / 01.09.2014

Fifty years ago this summer in 1964 Charles Madison Crenchaw became the first African-American to climb to the summit of Mount McKinley, the tallest peak in North America. Also known as Denali this peak represents the highest physical point that anyone can achieve in this country. And as metaphor of freedom, this seminal moment in history beautifully illustrates the references to mountains alluded to in Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech. "This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to...

Adventure Activism, Business, Diversity, Outdoor Recreation / 28.08.2014

In a Washington, DC hotel room I resigned myself to the image in the mirror. Years ago I swore among other things that I would never work a job that required me to wear a tie. And as I dressed for an appointment at the prestigious National Press Club in denim jeans, a long sleeve shirt and a blazer I finally abandoned my last attempt at conformity. I slipped loose the top button of my collar, grabbed my camera bag and made for the elevator. Still known in...

Adventure Activism, Commentary, Diversity, Environmental Journalism, Expedition Denali / 16.07.2014

Several weeks ago I made the middling drive from Madison to Chicago. On a round Joy Trip of about 300 miles I journeyed south to meet up with two old friends to hear their story of adventure. Robby ReChord and Scott Briscoe were in town to present a slide show at the downtown Patagonia store on their ascent of the highest peak in North America, Mount McKinley also called Denali. As part of a team of African-American climbers Robby and Scott aimed to share their experiences in the...

Adventure Activism, Climbing, Diversity, Expedition Denali, Life Out Loud / 02.07.2014

On this date 50 years ago the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law. In a White House ceremony in the presence of Martin Luther King Jr and other dignitaries President Lyndon Johnson administered the passage of legislation that ended legal discrimination in the United States once and for all. Though the struggle for racial equality in this nation would continue for decades later this newly enacted law would set in motion the dreams and aspirations of African-American men and women to reach new heights of achievement. It’s...