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Narratives Worth Exploring

Commentary, Video / 17.08.2009

National Geographic Adventure west coast editor Steve Casimiro posted this item to his web site The Adventure Life. "Signatures is not ski pornography, and thank god for it," he writes. "The new ski/snowboard/telemark movie is a sonnet, or maybe a love letter, an unabashedly romantic, even tender, look at a life spent sliding on snow, this time in Hokkaido, Japan." The images are spectacular. With plenty of days left until summer and with fall hardly on the horizon, it's kind of nice to look forward to the coming ski season. The film Signatures premieres September 19th. Stay in touch for a Joy Trip Project film review shortly thereafter.

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Quote of the day / 16.08.2009

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike. This natural beauty hunger is made manifest in our magnificent National Parks nature's sublime wonderlands, the admiration and joy of the world John Muir ~ Scottish-born American naturalist, author, and early advocate of preservation of U.S. wilderness (1838 –1914) Photo by James Edward Mills Pictured here is actor and historian Lee Stetson the voice of John Muir in the upcoming Ken Burn documentary film...