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The Joy Trip Project

Adventure Media Review, Breaking News, Examiner.com, Photography / 08.03.2012

  There are few natural phenomena more mysterious or spectacular than the northern lights. This unique astrological event also called the Aurora Borealis occurs when energy charged particles smack into atoms high up in the thermosphere. Caused primarily by solar flares cast off by the sun the Aurora Borealis creates a sky-scape display of pulsating light that is magical to watch. And tonight with decent camera equipment and some good advise amateur photographers as well as pros could take advantage of a rare northern lights opportunity. Today March 8, 2012...

Adventure Media Review, Climbing, Commentary, Diversity, Expedition Denali / 07.03.2012

[caption id="attachment_6951" align="aligncenter" width="541"] Cheleas Griffie on Separate Reality, Yosemite Valley (photo by Greg Epperson)[/caption] When it comes to diversity in outdoor recreation it seems there are simply those who don’t care. After 400 years of racial strife and oppression throughout American history I’m sure we’d all like to put it behind us. In fact most of us likely spend time outside to get away from all the socially charged bickering back and forth between one ethnic group or another. I get that. But please, don’t tell me, a...

Adventure Media Review, Commentary, Mountain Film, National Parks, Television / 27.02.2012

Adventure filmmakers everywhere rejoice! I finally invested in a flat screen television. Be assured. Now when I get those DVD advance copies or streaming video online access codes I'll have a decent screening facility to comfortably watch and evaluate the latest movies inspired by adventure or environmental activism. And since the price of a good 32-inch LCD High Definition monitor has come down to levels any dirtbag with cash for crash pad can afford, fans of independently produced adventure media should do themselves a favor and make the...

Climbing, Diversity, Expedition Denali, Expedition News / 24.02.2012

[caption id="attachment_6921" align="alignleft" width="300"] NOLS Denali Expedition participants Aparna Rajagopal-Durbin, Chelesea Griffie, Philip Henderson, James Mills & Stephen Shobe[/caption] For the first time a team of African-American climbers is assembling to make a bid for the summit of the tallest peak in North America, Mount Denali. To be lead by the National Outdoor Leadership School in 2013 this expedition aims to encourage minority youth to enjoy outdoor recreation as part of an active lifestyle as well as create a cadre of role models for careers in environmental protection. Also known...

Adventure Media Review, National Parks, Outdoor Recreation, Running, Ultra Running / 20.02.2012

Aspiring ultra-distance runner Ryan Mills has the best of intentions. The name of his quest project notwithstanding he hopes to raise awareness for the importance of leading an active lifestyle and putting an end to a coach-bound existence. “A Rude Awakening” is an enterprise that aims to aggressively demonstrate how time outside can motivate a dramatic change. Making his way on foot over 184 miles through the scorching desert of Death Valley National Park Mills wants to show the glaring contrast between a life confined to urban jungles...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Environmental Journalism, Environmental Protection, Film Review, Fun Film Friday, National Geographic / 17.02.2012

[caption id="attachment_6893" align="aligncenter" width="488" caption="photo by Andy Maser"][/caption] A new film by Andy Maser is having a big impact on efforts to remove obsolete dams on rivers worldwide. " Year of the River" features graphic footage of the explosive charges that took out the Condit Dam on the White Salmon River back in October of 2011. The film offers up a compelling story of why moving water should be allowed to run free across the land. Thanks to the Internet the completed short movie already has a solid following...