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The Joy Trip Project

#ORShow, #ORSummer, Adventure Media Review, Breaking News, Environmental Journalism, Film Festival / 26.07.2012

[caption id="attachment_7645" align="aligncenter" width="449"] Adventure filmmakers (right) Trip Jennings & Andy Maser[/caption] The movie business takes center stage with three late afternoon screenings of adventure films at the 2012 Outdoor Retailer Summer Market. At OR Rocks! show attendees can take a break from the manic pace of the Salt Palace for a little entertainment while action movie producers connect and network with fans as well as potential sponsors in the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art. In this classy venue right next door to the convention center OR has created...

5Point, 5Point to MountainFilm Tour, Adventure Media Review, Climbing, Film Review, Interview, National Geographic, Photography / 24.07.2012

  [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="649"] From left: Renan Ozturk, Jimmy Chin, and Conrad Anker; Photograph by Jimmy Chin[/caption] Adventure movie fans fortunate enough to attend 5Point or Mountainfilm festivals in 2012 got a sneak peek of an amazing film project in progress. House of Cards from Camp 4 Productions details the three-year journey of climbers Jimmy Chin, Renan Ozturk, and Conrad Anker as they make an epic first ascent of the  Shark’s Fin on the 20,700-foot (6,309-meter) Meru Massif in the Garhwal Himalaya of India. With footage from two expeditions—and...

PBS, Podcast / 23.07.2012

In the fourth installment of the paddle sports film series Of Souls & Water director Skip Armstrong makes a dramatic departure from the world of kayaking in a tale of loss and redemption called The Warrior. Pro surfer Chris Peterson is fighting his way back. In this 8-minute 53-second short the healing power of water is revealed to restore the strength and courage of a man struggling against the tragic death of a loved one as well as the missed opportunities of his youth. With a narrative bent on...

Adventure Activism, Climbing, Commentary, Diversity, Expedition Denali / 16.07.2012

This is going to sound really odd. But there's something comforting in the taste of wet wool. Just back from two weeks of glacier training with the National Outdoor Leadership School in Alaska I'm struck by this enduring memory. Each day while carrying a 60-pound pack sweat poured off my forehead in a briny stream so thick and salty it might have been blood. Despite the bitter cold and a frigid wind it didn't freeze. Hot and wet it flowed down my face and into my mouth. Only...

Adventure Activism, Climbing, Expedition Denali, Outdoor Recreation / 01.07.2012

Anchorage, Alaska 3:55 AM July 1, 2012 The Alaska Backpackers Inn I usually find it tough to sleep on days like this. Here where the sun just barely sets light seeps in through the thick curtains and it never truly gets dark. I'm up early to pack a bag that's not as heavy as it looks. The Alaska Backpackers Inn is a newly refurbished apartment complex in downtown Anchorage made to resemble a hotel poorly. The though clean, secure and a good value for the buck, the noxious smell of new paint and chemical antiseptics makes it tough to take a full breath. Traffic noise from the open window drones on through the night of the midnight sun. There's no air conditioning, so it's hot. And with all these distractions what lies in the days ahead has me juggling emotions mixed with both excitement and dread. Enough though my whole life has led up to this moment it seems that once again I've discovered my destiny on the road I took to avoid it.
Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Cool on Kickstarter, Environmental Journalism, Environmental Protection / 29.06.2012

Until we're directly affected by a global crisis seldom are we prompted to take action and make a change. Though the environment is suffering the devastating impact of humanity's rush to extract the Earth's remaining non-renewable energy supply most of us are willing to allow the pollution to continue. That is until it strikes us where we live. Backyard is a new film project under development by Deia Scholsberg that aims to raise awareness for the harmful effects of fracking on the land and the communities where the...