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The Joy Trip Project

Life Out Loud, Video, Walking, Winter / 02.01.2014

In the middle of a Wisconsin cold snap any temperature above Zero is cause for celebration. On the first day of 2014 with blowing snow and frigid low temperatures I walked two miles to my gym for a morning workout. With a Sony Action Cam strapped to my backpack took a single frame every 10 seconds to photograph the route and create this stop motion video. Even in this ridiculously cold weather Madison is a wonderfully walkable city. 2014 Day 1 Above from James Mills on Vimeo. Music by American...

Commentary, Fashion, Green Economics, Life Out Loud / 31.12.2013

Can there be a balance between commerce and ecology? As we head into the new year I want to believe that it’s possible, that we can live our lives in sustainable ways that protect the environment while allowing each of us to maintain a high standard of living. It would be great to turn it all green. But how do we make that happen? A new brand on the market has reached out to the Joy Trip Project to help raise awareness for a synthetic fiber made from recycled...

Adventure Media Review, Film Review, philanthropy, Snowboarding / 26.12.2013

[caption id="attachment_392249" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo by Adam Moran[/caption] Even if you’re not one to follow the hard tumble sport of snowboarding a new film will you put into perspective both the triumph and tragedy weighed in the balance of adventure sports. The HBO documentary The Crash Reel follows the real life rise and catastrophic fall of aspiring Olympic board rider Kevin Pierce. But unlike most stories that depict the heroic come back of an injured athlete this feature illustrates the wisdom and compassion it takes to learn when it’s...

Film preview, Skiing, Snowboarding / 18.12.2013

Adventure film maker Renan Ozturk and his crew at Camp 4 Collective have put together another incredible collaboration to deliver a thrilling new ski film. Into the Mind from Sherpa Cinemas offers up a dramatic tale of backcountry alpine passion as shared through the art of movie making. The producers of this amazing epic posted online this week one of the best making-of documentaries you'll likely see any time soon. Focusing on the segments shot in the Himalaya this 18-minute mini feature called Nepal Vision Quest details the painstaking...

Adventure Media Review, Expedition News, Film Review, Snowboarding / 12.12.2013

[caption id="attachment_376477" align="aligncenter" width="500"] photo by Tero Repo[/caption] In the modern era of adventure sports and exploration it should be no surprise that one of the world’s leading freeride snowboarders would seek out the most extreme alpine lines on the planet. In 2012, when champion slope shredder Xavier De Le Rue set his sights on the continent of Antarctica, he was looking for more than just steep terrain. Venturing out on a 65-foot motorized sailing yacht across Drake’s Passage, where the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans converge, De Le Rue...