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The Joy Trip Project

Deserts, Recipes / 09.08.2009

Don't let anyone tell you that cooking at home is hard. I discovered this recipe for muffins with the help of my friend Erin Luken. Not only is she one of the most talented amateur bakers I have ever met, but she and her husband Jason Beren are avid sailors. While visiting their home for an interview on sailing for an upcoming magazine feature, Erin pulled these delicious raspberry muffins fresh from the oven. The recipe for "Campton Place Muffins" appears in Deserts By The Yard by Sherry Yard executive pastry chef of Spago restaurant in Beverly Hills photo by James Edward Mills
Video / 08.08.2009

This travel video comes from Christoph Rehage. Taking a few still and video images on a year-long trek from China to Germany he pieces together an amazing short film detailing the course of his adventure and the growth of his beard. Musical score by the kingpins ( myspace.com/theoneandonlykingpins ) and zhu fengbo [vimeo]4636202[/vimeo]...

Cycling, Interview, Outdoor Recreation / 06.08.2009

Tandem 4 Alan Winslow and Morrigan McCarthy recently returned home after a very long trip. Over 10 months and 11,000 miles these two travelers road bicycles across the country and back again. Departing from New York in October of 2008, they pedaled down the Atlantic Coast, across the Great Plains to the Pacific Ocean. They road up through the Pacific Northwest, over the Rocky Mountains, back across the Plains and returned to the Adirondacks in early August. -- In itself, this is not such an amazing feat. But as Winslow and McCarthy made their way across the county they collected a series of personal interviews and incredible photographs. Their mission was to document the nation’s thoughts on the subject of the climate change. --

Winslow and McCarthy spoke to ordinary people in big cities and small towns throughout the United States. Their plan was to discover the overlooked stories of everyday Americans who struggle with notions of human contributions to a warming planet and they role they might play in environmental protection. In their blog called Project Tandem the two share their pictures and tales of people they encountered on their journey. In this interview they tell us a little about their experience.