
Adventure Media Review, Afghanistan, Breaking News, Charitable Giving, Climbing, Film preview, mountainfilm, philanthropy / 17.03.2014

A new documentary addresses allegations leveled by the television news magazine 60-Minutes and acclaimed author Jon Krakauer against philanthropist Greg Mortenson. Husband and wife filmmakers Jennifer Jordan and Jeff Rhoads of Skyline Ventures Productions announced Friday their plans to create a new project that explores the controversial fall from grace of the once beloved founder of the Central Asia Institute and the subject of the international best-selling book Three Cups of Tea. A scathing exposé first broadcast on national TV in 2011 accused Mortenson of lying about the events that...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Afghanistan, Cycling, Film preview / 19.11.2013

Set to premiere during the 2014 adventure film season the much anticipated documentary Afghan Cycles posted its trailer today on Vimeo. A movie that tells the story of the first women’s bicycle team in Afghanistan this much anticipated flick aims to demonstrate the power and courage of female athletes leading the way toward gender equality in Central Asia. A project spearheaded by social activist Shannon Galpin of Mountain 2 Mountain, a Colorado-based organization dedicated to issues of women’s empowerment, the film by Sarah Menzies of LET Media celebrates the...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Afghanistan, Charitable Giving, Cycling, Film preview / 11.10.2013

I first met Shannon Galpin in 2007, about a year after she created her non-profit Mountain 2 Mountain. Hoping to find a common bond between the alpine culture of her home community in Breckenridge Colorado and rugged the high altitude provinces of Afghanistan she works to create empowerment opportunities for women and girls to help them lead better lives through education, family planning and economic development. Shannon’s efforts throughout this often volatile conflict zone have done much to demonstrate the impact that one person can make to improve...

Afghanistan, Cool on Kickstarter, Film preview, Life Out Loud, Photography / 09.08.2013

[caption id="attachment_196579" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Farzana Wahidy[/caption] [caption id="attachment_196608" align="alignright" width="300"] Najibulah Mustafar[/caption] When Alexandria Bombach and Mo Scarpelli went to Afghanistan they fully intended to bring back the story of storytellers. But what had begun as a short film about the rise of photojournalists who came on the scene with the fall of the Taliban in 2001 has turned into a much more expansive project that aims to illustrate the role of unbiased reporting in the creation of an emerging democracy. As they follow the lives of four photographers in...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Afghanistan, Africa, Art, Charitable Giving, Influencers, Interview / 10.02.2013

Following up her 2012 "Streets of Afghanistan" project social activist Shannon Galpin has launched a new initiative to raise awareness for the plight of women and girls in Central Asia. Afghan Dreamers is a new book now in production with the help of Make Stuff Sharp that aims to further incorporate art as a powerful vehicle of change meant to transform one of the most violent and politically charged regions of the world. "Art has a power to reach people viscerally in a way that other work doesn't," Galpin...

Adventure Media Review, Afghanistan, Expedition News, Influencers, Interview, National Geographic, Photography / 19.11.2012

Shannon Galpin is one of ten 2013 Adventurers of the Year. Vote every day for the People’s Choice! On her most recent trip to Afghanistan in late October, human rights advocate Shannon Galpin returned a bit of the nation’s own culture. In a series of life-size photographs, the Colorado resident delivered artistic expressions of the Afghan people so often shrouded behind the vail of 40 years of conflict. Working to improve the health and safety of women and girls, Galpin, director of the nonprofit Mountain2Mountain, aims to provide a positive vision of beauty...