Author: James Edward Mills

Product review / 20.11.2009

With five navigable lakes Madison is a perfect city for paddling. Before the ice settles in for the long winter, canoes and kayaks dot the waters on either side of the Isthmus right off the Capital Square. But lately there have been sightings of an adventurous few who have taken their paddling on to local bike paths and sidewalks. Riding skateboards instead of boats they’re trucking down the road using the Big Stick land paddle from Kahuna Creations.
Photography, Quote of the day / 20.11.2009

“To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It's at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.” Henri Cartier-Bresson ~   French photographer considered to be the father of modern photojournalism, an early adopter of 35 mm format (1908-2004) Photograph by Kelly Bastone...

Podcast / 18.11.2009

A Joy Trip Flashback: Remembering Todd Skinner

Todd Skinner3I got an email from an old friend, Amy Skinner.We hadn’t connected in a while so it really good to hear from her. Her message read, “Thought you might get a kick out of my son's third grade writing assignment. We're going to have to have a little talk about plagiarism, but it's apparent that he has listened to your podcast many times.  I have it on my ipod and he loves to listen to it.” Jake_001In the body of the message Amy included a scanned image of her son Jake’s writing assignment. Written in pencil on wide ruled paper, the little boy liberally quoted without attribution from a story I produced in 2006. I have to say I didn’t mind at all. In fact I was touched to point where I was almost brought to tears, because Jake’s writing assignment quoted from the story I produced on his father’s memorial service. They say that imitation is the sincerest from of flattery. Jake’s use of my words from this story let me know that in a small way I’ve helped him to remember his father. Todd Skinner was a good friend and three years after his death many people still remember him and what he meant to the outdoor community. And just so we don’t forget in this special edition of the podcast I’m bringing you a Joy Trip flashback, a celebration of a life well lived.    
Photography, Quote of the day / 17.11.2009

Early morning walks with my chocolate lab, Canu, are priceless. Part of it is that he is almost 11 and showing signs of wear, something I would rather not think about. In November, frost is a common morning occurrence and as the sun rises, only the shadows protect natures beautiful white furry coat. Morning walks offer time spent with my best friend and incredible photo opportunities. Get out and get some exercise, don't forget your camera. Photograph and advice by Chris Gibbs...