Author: James Edward Mills

Adventure Activism, Commentary, Cool on Kickstarter, Diversity, Expedition Denali, Magazines, National Geographic / 10.05.2013

I've been told it shouldn't matter. But as one in a handful of black professionals in the outdoor recreation industry I can't help being wildly excited. In June the first team of African-American climbers will attempt to reach the summit of Alaska's Mount McKinley, the tallest peak in North America. Also known as Denali at 20,328 feet this mountain is literally the highest physical point anyone can achieve in the United States. And as metaphors go it is the ultimate realization of the dream Martin Luther King Jr....

Adventure Activism, Climbing, Cool on Kickstarter, Expedition Denali, featured, Life Out Loud / 01.05.2013

[caption id="attachment_51648" align="alignright" width="225"] Charles Crenchaw (the Mountaineers Books)[/caption] One year after Jim Whittaker and his team became the first Americans to summit Mount Everest another historic climb was achieved in Alaska. In 1964 along with 14 other climbers Charles Crenchaw became the first African-American to reach the top of Mount McKinley, also known as Denali. Achieving a height of 20,328 feet above sea level Crenchaw had climbed higher than any black man in American history. And though we celebrate Whittaker today for his great accomplishment 50 years ago...

5Point, Adventure Media Review, Film Festival, Life Out Loud / 29.04.2013

The 2013 6th annual 5Point Film Festival concluded with top honors going to Fitz Cahall's moving film Road to Karakol featuring adventurer Kyle Dempster. Local filmmaker Anson Fogel also took prizes in cinematography for Cascada and creative excellence for Death of Bar T. Dominic Gill's story about disabled cyclist Aaron Baker All I Am won the prize for most inspiring film. [AFG_gallery id='5']   The Joy Trip Project is made possible with the support of sponsors Patagonia, Rayovac and the New Belgium Brewing Company ...

5Point, Adventure Media Review, Film Festival, Life Out Loud, Photography / 29.04.2013

The 5Point Film Festival featured a full day of programs on Saturday with a special block of films for children including a puppet show. Day 3 festivities lasted well into the evening with a dance party hosted by local filmmaker Anson Fogel at the Carbondale offices of Camp 4 Collective and Forge Motion Pictures [AFG_gallery id='4'] The Joy Trip Project is made possible with the support of sponsors Patagonia, Rayovac and the New Belgium Brewing Company ...

5Point, Film Festival, Life Out Loud, Photography / 29.04.2013

The second day of the 5Point Film Festival was highlighted with a breakfast discussion on the future of adventure filmmaking, a panel discussion on the role of social media in the creation and distribution of new projects, a dinner reception for the filmmakers and special guests and an amazing jam session at Steve's Guitars in Carbondale. There's so much more than just movies going on! [AFG_gallery id='3'] The Joy Trip Project is made possible with the support of sponsors Patagonia, Rayovac and the New Belgium Brewing Company ...

5Point, Adventure Media Review, Film Festival, Life Out Loud, Photography / 29.04.2013

After a crazy good time in Carbondale at the 5Point Film Festival over the weekend I'm taking the slow way home. I'm putting in some time to summarize this wonderful experience in few upcoming posts. But in the meantime I hope you'll enjoy browsing through a few photographs shot as the event unfolded. ~JEM [AFG_gallery id="2"] The Joy Trip Project is made possible with the support of sponsors Patagonia, Rayovac and the New Belgium Brewing Company ...