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The Joy Trip Project

#ORShow, #ORWinter, Business, Life Out Loud, Outdoor Retailer / 23.01.2014

After a really long day at the Outdoor Retailer Show I'm up early to head back over to the Marriott for the breakfast meeting of the Conservation Alliance. The keynote speaker is National Geographic Explorer in Residence Wade Davis. His book The Sacred Headwaters is an amazing photo essay that details the struggles of protecting our last remaining pure wilderness areas from destruction and I'm really looking forward to hearing his comments this morning. As the saying goes arrive tired leave inspired! It's hard not believe that anything is...

#ORWinter, Business / 21.01.2014

Even after all the preparation you can't help but be a little thrilled when you dive into the fray. Pounding away at my laptop with just an hour before heading to the All-Mountain Demo at Solitude Ski Resort the 2014 Outdoor Retailer Winter Market is officially underway. My job is to report in realtime the events of each day as they unfold. Through the social media mainstream I get to navigate the exciting flow of images and messages as they wiz by in flurry of energy and enthusiasm....

#ORShow, #ORWinter, Business, Social Media / 19.01.2014

You gotta love it when “have fun” is written into your job description. Once again the Joy Trip Project has been tapped to manage the social media streams coming out of the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market. After 22 years of attending the largest backcountry recreation trade show in the world it’s kind of nice to dedicate my skills and talents in storytelling toward encouraging and documenting the exciting business of playing outside! I'll be kind of the Social Media Master of Ceremonies.In addition to the content you’ll find through...

5Point, Adventure Film, Adventure Media Review, Banff, Film Festival, Life Out Loud, mountainfilm, Radical Reel Tour, Reel Rock Film Tour / 16.01.2014

This morning the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the nominees for the 86th annual Oscar awards. Once again I’m amazed by the number of prominent feature films that I neglected to see in 2013. As a reviewer of adventure movies I don’t make it to my local cineplex the way I used to. Of those movies tapped to win Best Picture Twelve Years a Slave and American Hustle are the only two that I actually saw in a theater. And I imagine that it will...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Environmental Journalism, Film preview / 08.01.2014

It’s probably the least sexy part of making a documentary film series, but it just might be the most important. After you’ve conducted compelling interviews, shot exciting action sequences and spiced it all up with original artwork and animation it’s time to take the show on the road. And if you think it’s expensive to produce a movie that advocates for the preservation of our precious natural resources you should see what it takes to make sure that people see it. Now that adventure filmmaker James Q. Martin and...

Life Out Loud / 04.01.2014

Girls ski too, you know. But when it comes to action sports movies, that fact isn’t always made clear. Big-mountain pro skier Lynsey Dyer aims to change that by making a film of her own. With the ambitious goal of inspiring more women to take on steep alpine terrain, she’s putting together an all-star team of female athletes for the creation of a high-impact feature called Pretty Faces. Dyer wants audiences to realize that women skiers have much more to offer and experience than meets the eye. After a...