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The Joy Trip Project

American Rivers, Hiking, Interview, Kids in Nature, National Forests, Podcast / 27.09.2019

Wherever you are in the world I hope you had an amazing summer. I know I did. Over the last several months I’ve been on the road collecting stories for a broad new initiative to explore how people find their way into the outdoors. With grant funding from my partners at the nonprofits American Rivers and the National Forest Foundation along with Patagonia I made stops in the states of Georgia and Oregon to trace the routes of the great rivers that run through their biggest cities. From...

Commentary, National Forests, National Monuments, National Parks, Public Land / 13.09.2019

Do you know someone who would benefit from a free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass? I have a few to give away. And believe it or not I’m having difficulty finding people to give them to. Perhaps you can help me in the search. A few weeks ago I had what I thought was good idea. To remove the financial barrier to accessing our public land I decided to give the gift of a free annual pass. To celebrate my birthday month of September and to pay...

Breaking News, Film Festival, Mountain & Adventure Film Festival / 12.09.2019

Film Festival Flix today announced the Finalists for the 2019 Mountain & Adventure Film Festival Gathering. These outstanding motion pictures will be presented live at our outdoor MAFF Gathering September 27th – 29th in Big Bear, CA, USA, Shady Cove Group Campgrounds on Keller Peak. “I was really impressed by the overall quality of the films submitted this year. We had a really high percentage of films featuring people of color, women and many levels of ability. That was exciting to see!” shares Festival Programming Director and Channel Curator,...

Aldo Leopold Nature Center, Breaking News, Diversity, Environmental Protection, Environmental Studies, Madison, Nelson Institute, Wisconsin / 02.09.2019

As a journalist I believe my primary function is community engagement. It has been my intention from the beginning of my career to encourage and inspire those within my sphere of influence to become thoroughly engaged in both outdoor recreation and environmental conservation. That’s why I’m pleased to announce that I have accepted a position at the University of Wisconsin, Madison Nelson Institute For Environmental Studies as Community Partners Liaison. This title and a small salary are meant to formalize my place on the UW Madison Campus. Though I...