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The Joy Trip Project

Adventure Media Review, Environmental Protection, Expedition News, Kayaking, National Geographic / 02.03.2013

As the 3rd longest free-flowing river in the world the Amur in China is a shining example of what the world stands to lose if we continue the practice of building dams. In 2013 an expedition of four women aims to paddle this ancient waterway across three countries from source to sea and illustrate the rich environmental legacy that might disappear should we fail to claim for preservation this relatively unknown river. After more than a century of the industrial era humanity has managed to dam most of the...

Breaking News, Film preview, Travel, Video / 26.02.2013

  If you're like most air travelers you probably don't pay much attention to the pre-flight safety announcement before take off. I know I don't. But even the most jaded frequent flier should take notice of this new video posted to YouTube by Air New Zealand. Adventure enthusiasts will recognize none other than Man V.S. Wild's own Bear Grylls providing the demonstrations for what to do in an emergency. And though the details vary little from the usual instructions Grylls' comic stylings put a nice spin on the critical...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Film, Charitable Giving, Climbing, Healthy Living, Life Out Loud, Madison, People with disabilities, philanthropy / 20.02.2013

The Joy Trip Project is pleased to present a free screening of the film High Ground by Michael Brown at the Marquee Theater in Union South on the UW Madison Campus on March 5th at 7PM. This inspiring feature follows the true story of 11 wounded Iraq and Afghan war veterans who overcome their injuries to climb a 20,000-foot mountain peak in the Himalaya. Recovering from the catastrophic effects of blindness, amputation and post-trauma stress these fallen heroes rise up to reclaim their lives and overcome a great...

Life Out Loud, Skiing, Travel / 18.02.2013

A few weeks before surgery to replace my left hip I got a call from an old friend. The Colorado-based ski journalist Rachel Walker had just taken a job as the editor of new blog from the snow sports apparel brand Stio. She wanted to give me an assignment. Telling stories about mountain culture across the United States the Town Hill Chronicles is a fun read that profiles favorite ski resorts from the perspective of area locals who love them. Even though I haven't been able to...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Environmental Protection, Life Out Loud, National Parks, Photography, Politics, Social Media / 15.02.2013

The National Park Conservation Association wants to impress upon members of Congress the enduring value of America's federally preserved wild and scenic places. As part of a board campaign to end cuts in government spending meant to protect and maintain our national parks the NPCA wants ordinary citizens across the country to share their favorite pictures of themselves at play in the parks they love most. Armed with these snapshots gathered together into a compelling video the association aims to demonstrate that in spite of these tough economic...

Adventure Activism, Diversity, Fly Fishing, Influencers, Interview, Life Out Loud, Outdoor Recreation / 12.02.2013

Like many servicemen returning from war, Chad Brown found himself in a dark and troubled place. A graphic designer from Portland he struggled with deep emotional scars that made it difficult to find meaningful work and make worthwhile contributions to his community. It wasn't until a ex-girlfriend introduced him to the sport of fly fishing that Brown discovered a way express himself and begin an amazing journey to explore not only the natural world but the urban environment in which he lives. "Walking into a fly shop for the...