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The Joy Trip Project

#BlackLivesMatter, Black In National Parks Week, Black Lives Matter, Commentary, Diversity / 23.08.2022

More than a year ago I received a disappointing message via email. I had recently published an article in National Geographic Travel about an experience I shared guiding a group of Black and Latino outdoor leaders from Detroit and Grand Rapids Michigan on their first ice climbing trip. Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic, with the support of grant funding from the National Society and Patagonia, I put together a modest expedition to visit the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore along the frozen cliffs of Lake Superior. The purpose of this project...

#BlackLivesMatter, Books, Diversity, Nelson Institute, Outdoors For All, TED, The Joy Trip Reading Project, Travel / 15.08.2022

The Joy Trip Reading Project is excited to announce our Fall 2022 line-up of books and authors. Our learning community continues to grow through the engagement of nationally recognized scholars who address the myriad issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in all expressions of human endeavor. As we slowly wind out of summer and begin thinking about our plans for shorter days in cooler weather, we hope that our list of titles from these thoughtful and inspiring authors will lead to rousing discussions over the next several months....

#BlackLivesMatter, Adventure Activism, Alaska, American Rivers, Black Lives Matter, Climate Change, Commentary, Destinations, Diversity, Environmental Journalism, Environmental Protection, Fly Fishing, National Parks, On Assignment / 22.07.2022

This week in Alaska’s Gates of the Arctic National Park, I landed a two and half-foot Northern Pike, the biggest fish I’ve caught in my life. As a small group of anglers, all of African descent, our team on the BlackWaters Expedition was delivered by floatplane to a narrow beach on the banks of the Kobuk River. Led by Chad Brown, founder of the environmental engagement nonprofit Love Is King, this adventure into the least visited of all the national parks aimed to reimagine the face of Arctic...

Black Lives Matter, Books, National Geographic, National Parks, Outdoors For All, PBS / 08.07.2022

Thank you SO much for continuing to follow along on The Joy Trip Project. After 14 seasons of production, I am very grateful for the support and encouragement of readers, viewers and listeners like you. It’s hard to believe that the summer of 2022 is more than half-way through. You’d think that after trek toEverest BaseCamp back in April I’d have enough adventuring for the year. But this weekend I’m heading back to Alaska for a new film project in the Gates of the Arctic National Park. The film...

#BlackLivesMatter, Diversity, Environmental Journalism, Environmental Justice, Interview, PBS, Podcast / 04.07.2022

When the folks at the Public Broadcasting Service went looking for a charismatic personality to host their latest documentary film series on the natural world, they reached out to a man with just the right skills to bring the outdoors into every home in America. Baratunde: My name is Baratunde Thurston. I am a multimedia storyteller operating at the intersection of race, technology, democracy and climate. Because I love this planet. The wild. There's nothing quite like the feeling of stepping outside. And breaking free from the modern world. I'm in...

#BlackLivesMatter, Climbing, Diversity, Everest, Full Circle Everest, National Geographic, Podcast / 30.05.2022

On May12, 2022, history was made as the first team of Black American climbers successfully ascended to the summit of Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world. Known as the Full Circle Everest Expedition, this group of six men and one woman, all of African descent, made it safely to the top of the mountain and back to Everest Base Camp. The team included an array of climbers from across the United States and one native of Kenya. They ranged in age from 26 to 62. And...