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The Joy Trip Project

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Film Review, People with disabilities / 19.02.2014

Life is a fatal condition from which no one will ever recover or even survive. Every day is a constant struggle to manage our symptoms. Whether from illness or injury we all experience aches and pains, especially as we get a bit older. We suffer from chronic fatigue that can only be relieved with eight hours of bed rest every evening. And of course there’s our addiction to food, water and oxygen. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year we fight to maintain...

Adventure Activism, Life Out Loud / 17.02.2014

Support the Joy Trip Project on Patreon from James Mills on Vimeo. When you're in the creative fields it's never easy to define exactly what it is that you do for a for living. But when you hope to get your friends and fans to support your work financially you really have to get down to it and clearly express what it is that you have to offer.  I’m a freelance journalist who specializes in telling stories about the business, art and culture of the sustainable active lifestyle. If...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Environmental Journalism, Environmental Protection, Film preview, National Geographic, Photography, Podcast / 14.02.2014

Adventure photographers and filmmakers give us a unique view of the world. And throughout his long career taking pictures and telling stories for major magazines Peter McBride has offered up an exciting perspective, most often from the air. When he was in his 20s he flew a World War I biplane called the Vickers Vimy from London to Cape Town to reenact the first time an airplane traveled across Africa in 1920. "I think that really gave me an interest in the aerial perspective," he said in an interview...

Adventure Media Review, In Memoria, Life Out Loud / 11.02.2014

Doug Sheffer was the kind of silent hero you’ll never know until after he’s gone. A talented and courageous helicopter pilot he was best known by those photographers and filmmakers he faeried across the scenic western landscape near his home in Colorado. Long time friends Anson Fogel and Peter McBride remember him as an enthusiastic and patient guide whose steady hand at the controls made for excellent pictures cast against the blue ski where he loved to fly. Tragically killed in a helicopter cash a few weeks...

Adventure Media Review, Film Review / 10.02.2014

As daytime temperatures creep slowly up above zero it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by a single notion. We still have at least six weeks of winter ahead of us. Frigid cold weather has made it difficult to get outside and even the most active among us have to dig deep to well up enough motivation for a morning jog, a few kilometers of cross-country skiing or an afternoon of ice climbing. But just when you think you can’t stand another day of the bone numbing chill a...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Cool on Kickstarter, Diversity, Environmental Journalism, Film Review, National Geographic, National Parks / 07.02.2014

At the heart of every great adventure there is a love story. And for National Geographic Young Explorer Juan Martinez, the long journey from the streets of Los Angeles to the craggy peaks of the Grand Tetons took a romantic turn on the day he met National Park Ranger Vanessa Torres. Both dedicated to introducing a new generation of American citizens to outdoor recreation Juan and Vanessa have begun a life together in service to the wild places they cherish as well as members of their community whose...