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The Joy Trip Project

Quote of the day / 30.08.2009

"Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you." ~John De Paola Photo by James Edward Mills The last several days have been an amazing experience. Traveling west to Yosemite National Park the Joy Trip Project ventured out to explore the human experience at play. With deep regret posts to the blog have been absent. Please accept sincere apologies. Though cellular phone access has been very good, even at the summit of Half Dome, Internet connections have been hard to come by. And then transmission rates were...

Quote of the day / 26.08.2009

Kennedy"Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blendings and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity, as taught in woods and meadows, plains and mountains and streams of our blessed star, and they will learn that death is stingless indeed, and as beautiful as life."

John Muir ~ Scottish-born American naturalist, author, and early advocate of preservation of U.S. wilderness (1838 –1914)
Interview / 25.08.2009

Evonne Blythers Evonne Blythers is an avid outdoorswoman. After a lifetime of recreation for her personal enjoyment she now helps others in her community experience nature in comfort and safety. Blythers is the director of the volunteer outdoor outreach organization “Keeping It Wild” in Atlanta, Georgia. She’s also a finalist for the Cox Conserves Heroes program in recognition for her work promoting diversity in the environmental protection movement. In this interview Blythers shares her story. ~ Evonne is a finalist for Atlanta's 2009 Cox Conserves Heroes program.  The finalist with the most votes receives $5K to donate to their environmental  nonprofit of choice.  Please vote for Evonnne Blythers at http://tinyurl.com/l3p534 ~ voting ends August 31.
Quote of the day / 24.08.2009

“I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving he can outwit nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority” E. B. White ~ American writer best known as the author of children's books Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little, and as the co-author of the widely used language guide The Elements of Style. (1899-1985) Photo by Richard Harrison...

Recipes / 23.08.2009

Entree I get a lot of good ideas from National Public Radio. Back in June I heard on Morning Edition a story that introduced me to an unusual delicacy that’s very common if you’ve got a family garden and raise squash. My wife Shamane raises all kinds of vegetables on a plot land we rent from the University of Wisconsin, Madison Eagle Heights Community Garden.Garden Through much of the late summer zucchini, pumpkins and acorn squash are throwing off beautiful flowers with each new vegetable gourd. Light and delicate these blossoms can be stuffed and deep fried for a tasty snack or prepared as side dish for an entrée of other garden produce or grilled meat. Fried stuffed squash blossoms are easy to prepare and you’ll be surprised how these yummy flowers can add a bit of charm to your cooking. This recipe comes from home cooking guide Peggy Trowbridge Filippone at About.com Photos by James Edward Mills