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The Joy Trip Project

Outdoor Recreation, Quote of the day / 16.09.2009

"That pleasure which is at once the most pure, the most elevating and the most intense, is derived, I maintain, from the contemplation of the beautiful.” Edgar Allan Poe ~American short-story writer, editor, poet and critic (1809-1849) Photo by Joseph Mikus This photograph along with several others was taken by Joseph Mikus during a massive wildfire that raged along the north side of Yosemite in late August. The artist, whom I met in Curry Village while on a coffee run, shares his work with my gratitude.  -JEM ...

Examiner.com, Madison, Triathlon / 15.09.2009

[caption id="attachment_1221" align="alignleft" width="200"] First in line to register for the 2010 Wisconsin Ironman José Aguilar[/caption] It’s eight hours after the conclusion of the Wisconsin Ironman Triathlon. And on the streets of Madison all that remains is a litter of paper cups and discarded plastic water bottles. <<Cross fade sound of leaf blower>> A city maintenance man sweeps up the clutter with a leaf blower in front of the State Capital building as the 2009 Triathlon season for many comes to an end. But 50 yards away at the Monona...