
Africa, Bikes, Cycling, Life Out Loud, philanthropy, Sustainable Living / 07.08.2013

Trek Bicycle and World Bicycle Relief (WBR) raised a record monthly donation amount through the “Trek Match” initiative. In the month of July, Trek and WBR partnered for a dollar-for-dollar donation matching program that ignited a huge response. With unprecedented support, over $90,000 was raised in four weeks, which will be doubled by Trek’s matching donation. The money will be used to provide roughly 1,500 bikes for deserving students, healthcare workers, and entrepreneurs in Africa. “Trek’s outstanding support in July will make a deep and immediate impact on the...

Cycling, Expedition News, Interview, Life Out Loud, Magazines, National Geographic, Outdoor Recreation, Snow / 26.12.2012

After polar explorer Eric Larsen finished on the “triple crown of adventure”—traveling to the South Pole, the North Pole, and the top of Mount Everest in one year—it was hard to imagine what he might do next. But he has a plan. In December of 2012, Larson will begin another crossing of Antarctica. Once again the Minnesotan is attempting to make the 750-mile trek from the edge of the continent at the Hercules Inlet to the geographic South Pole. But this time he’s going by bicycle! If he’s successful...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Africa, Cycling, Film Review, Interview, Outdoor Recreation / 04.10.2012

The latest documentary by adventure filmmaker Dominic Gill premiered this week on the NBC Sports Network. Once again peddling a tandem bicycle with an empty back seat the British born writer and bike advocate offered up his unique style of storytelling to provide television viewers with a road trip travel log that reveals the real life perspective of ordinary people willing put their apprehensions aside and go for a ride. Fresh off the highway from his previous project Take a Seat Sharing a Ride across America Gill ventures overseas...

Adventure Media Review, Bikes, Cycling, Film Review, Outdoor Recreation, Travel / 04.06.2012

A new cycling film currently on tour is an excellent example of how NOT to make an adventure movie. Reveal the Path is the latest in a long string of travel pics that despite its title and several statements to the contrary assumes the destination is more important than journey. With a presumably large budget for an international bicycle excursion bankrolled by Salsa Cycles this potentially awesome film should have offered viewers more than a 1-hour 11-minute vacation reel. Pedaling through some of the most exotic bike-packing destinations in...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Cycling, Film preview, Outdoor Recreation, People with disabilities, Television / 21.12.2011

True heroes perform acts of courage. Those who accomplish great athletic feats within their natural abilities are certainly to be admired. But it’s the one who exceed his limitations, going way outside his comfort zone to achieve his goals with little certainty of success that deserved to be called a hero. Struggling against the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease Kelly Lane of Rapid City South Dakota took part in a bicycle ride across his state covering more than 600 miles. Appearing in the NBC Universal Sports television series by adventure...