Brewery Boosts Bike for Boys & Girls Club

Brewery Boosts Bike for Boys & Girls Club

Ride recruitment coordinator Peter Gray (left) with B&GC Exec Dir. Michael Johnson

The Mad City cycling season got off to a great start Thursday at the Capital Brewery in Middleton. In true Wisconsin style supporters of early childhood development gathered to kick-off the annual fundraising team event Bike for Boys & Girls Club.

Presented by Trek Bicycle the event hosts riders of all abilities to spin their wheels for a good cause on July 16th. Pledging to peddle distances of 8, 25 or 50 miles participants plan to encourage friends and family to donate much needed cash to benefit kids in need throughout Dane County.
“It was with your help last year that we raised almost $200,000 to keep our doors open six days a week,” said Boys & Girls Club executive director Michael Johnson. “That will help us be there for more than 2000 young people in our community.”
One Hundred percent of students involved in the Club’s after school learning programs graduated from high school in 2010 Johnson said. “And 90 percent of them will go on to college.”
Tutoring and other initiatives that focus on education at the Club also provide valuable life-skills training that includes financial literacy and the importance of nutrition and physical exercise.
Ride recruitment coordinator Peter Gray says he hopes local cyclists will share their enthusiasm for biking by putting together teams to join the ride and raise some money.
“I know that a lot of the avid cyclists out there already have a full dance card,” Gray said. “So I typically don’t ask if a person rides, I ask if they have a bike. This event is a great way to get involved in cycling and have fun while helping others.”
Teams are forming now. For details visit the ride web site at Participants are eligible for prizes and gift certificates for top fundraisers. New this year is a partnership with the Capital Brewery. With strong ties to the local biking community the beer maker will help out this year’s event with beverages at the finish. And throughout the spring and summer local bikers can train with the Capital Brewery Cycling Club on weekly rides of varying lengths and abilities.
“Everyone’s welcome to come ride with us,” said club captain Kevin Apodaca. “And afterward we hope they’ll stay around for a beer.”