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The Joy Trip Project

5Point, Adventure Media Review, Film Festival, Life Out Loud, Photography / 29.04.2013

After a crazy good time in Carbondale at the 5Point Film Festival over the weekend I'm taking the slow way home. I'm putting in some time to summarize this wonderful experience in few upcoming posts. But in the meantime I hope you'll enjoy browsing through a few photographs shot as the event unfolded. ~JEM [AFG_gallery id="2"] The Joy Trip Project is made possible with the support of sponsors Patagonia, Rayovac and the New Belgium Brewing Company ...

5Point, Breaking News, Expedition News, Life Out Loud / 25.04.2013

  You never know who you're going to meet on the Joy Trip of life. With some time to kill on my way to the 5Point Film Festival in Carbondale, Colorado I stopped to visit an old friend in the town of Golden. Mark Cohen is a sales representative for the Skylark Group, an agency that manages products and services for The North Face in the Rocky Mountains. Over an amazing lunch at Bob's Atomic Burger Mark told me about one of his co-workers who hopes to make a...

5Point, Adventure Media Review, Film Festival, Interview / 22.04.2013

[caption id="attachment_51584" align="aligncenter" width="413"] 5Point Film Festival executive director Sarah Wood (left) and the team prepare for the April 2013 event; Photograph by Corie Spruill[/caption] The 5Point Film Festival running April 25 to 28 in Carbondale, Colorado, kicks off the adventure film festival season and sets the stage for the rest of the year. By presenting a wide range of movies that push the definition of adventure, the film festival aims to inspire the community—young and old, and of all ability levels—to define what their own next adventure might be. Unlike...

Book Review, Interview, Podcast / 19.04.2013

At the age of 26 best-selling author Cheryl Strayed strapped on a backpack and hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. Over the course of 94 days she traveled from Mojave California to the Bridge of the Gods in Cascade Locks Oregon, just outside of Portland where she lives today. Four years after loosing her mother who died of cancer Strayed ventured  into the wilds of nature in order to find a part of herself she felt was missing. With absolutely now experience in backpacking she made the impulsive decision...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Breaking News, Environmental Journalism, Environmental Protection, Film Review, Life Out Loud / 18.04.2013

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] photo by Pete McBride[/caption] Though many destinations around the world aspire to be number one, the Colorado River was named to the top of an inauspicious list. Named in a newly released report from the conservation group American Rivers along with many great tributaries across the nation this mighty waterway is the most endangered river in the United States. Sharing company with rivers from the Black Warrior in Alabama to the Kootenay the runs through British Columbia, Montana and Idaho each is under threat from...

Adventure Activism, Adventure Media Review, Commentary, Cool on Kickstarter, Diversity, Expedition Denali, Film preview / 10.04.2013

In June of 2013 the first team of African-American climbers will attempt to reach the highest peak in the continental United States. The project called Expedition Denali aims not only to demonstrate the long standing presence of black athletes on the adventure scene, but to inspire a new generation of young people to embrace the enduring legacy of minority participation in outdoor recreation and environmental conservation. The face of mountaineering is about to make a dramatic change. Though typically dominated by white men the sport of climbing is taking...