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The Joy Trip Project

Life Out Loud / 22.06.2013

As my friends on Expedition Denali made their way to the summit of Mount McKinley, I took in the park from a different vantage point. A very long bus ride from the entrance of Denali National Park is wonderful spot that overlooks Wonder Lake from the north side of the mountain. I spent several days at Camp Denali and the North Face Lodge to explore the breath taking vistas of this stunning nature preserve in the heart of the Alaskan wilderness. As one of the most wild and...

Climbing, Diversity, Expedition Denali, Expedition News, Interview / 17.06.2013

Exposure at an early age to life in the great outdoors put Scott Briscoe on the long road of adventure. Inspired by a grandfather who loved to fish he developed a profound appreciation for the natural world that continues to this day. Though having attended private schools and granted many opportunities to experience high profile sports like skiing and snowboarding Scott is no person of privilege. With the support and sacrifice of single mom who encouraged his recreational passions he took full advantage of resources made available to...

Art, Commentary, Guest Contributor / 13.06.2013

There are few days when I don’t consider myself the luckiest person in the world. I’ve managed to pull together enough personal resources and relationships to do many amazing things in some of the most beautiful places in the world. But anyone living life in pursuit of dreams knows that there’s a price to be paid. Relative to personal happiness money has very little value. But we still have to come up with the cash to meet the mortgage, cover the utilities, make a car payment and buy...

Adventure Activism, Diversity, Expedition Denali, Interview / 12.06.2013

Never question the value of exposure and opportunity when encouraging young people to spend more time in the outdoors. At 20 years of age Tyrhee Moore is a shining example of how the National Outdoor Leadership School is creating a new multi-ethnic generation of youth to become actively engaged in the natural world. A student at the University of West Virginia Tyrhee is not only at the top of his class, but he is also a solid role model for people of all ages looking to create a...

Adventure Media Review, Life Out Loud / 11.06.2013

Aspiring adventure filmmakers have to start somewhere. The new adventure media channel Xpedition.TV is looking to attract and inspire emerging talent in its first ever contest to find the next great creator of action movies " It's a challenge for young adventure filmmakers to show off what they've done already, said Xpedition.TV visionary Ric Gibbs. "It will help them gain added exposure, recognition within the community, and help us meet the future filmmakers we can recruit for work on future expeditions. Not to mention the great GEAR we are giving away...

Breaking News, Diversity, Expedition Denali, Life Out Loud / 10.06.2013

   The Expedition Denali team landed safely on to the Kahiltna Glacier at Denali base camp. The adventure is on! Here are a few images from their departure. [fsg_gallery id="8"] The Joy Trip Project coverage of Expedition Denali is made possible thanks to the generous support of MAKO Surgical Corp. Ask your doctor if you're a candidate for MAKOPlasty....