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The Joy Trip Project

Podcast / 11.08.2009

A lot of businesses are starting to explore their creative side. Expressions of art have begun to creep into the culture of many companies. In boardrooms and at seminars across America the stage is set for performing artists    like corporate poet Gordon Boudreau. “I write poems for whatever organization will invite me to do that,” Boudreau said. “And I use their raw materials the specifics of their culture to craft these very intimate specific poems that entertain and hopefully instruct a bit." Boudreau is one of several former street performers who are showing senior executives how to have fun in the world of business. Lead by Carr Hagerman, the group known as OnTend Creative Partners is developing new strategies to raise the chuckle quotient among their clients’ employees and customers.
Quote of the day / 11.08.2009

“Everyone wants happiness; nobody wants to suffer. Many problems around us are a mental projection of certain negative or unpleasant things. If we analyze our own mental attitude, we may find it quite unbearable. Therefore, a well-balanced mind is very useful and we should try and have a stable mental state.” His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet (1935-) Photo from Slackline Headquarters...

Quote of the day / 10.08.2009

“The price we pay for the complexity of life is too high. When you think of all the effort you have to put in, telephonic, technological and relational, to alter even the slightest bit of behavior in this strange world we call social life, you are left pining for the straightforwardness of primitive peoples and their physical work.” Jean Baurdrillard ~ French postmodern cultural theorist, sociologist, philosopher (1929-2007) Photo by Gabe Rogel from the book Vertical Ethiopia by Majka Burhardt...