Books Tag

Books, Cool on Kickstarter, National Parks / 24.02.2016

Few things in the human experience are more profound than the power of storytelling. Dating back to the days of our earliest ancestors members of our tribe gathered around the fire at night to share their experiences of life on Earth. Camped under a blanket of stars primitive men and women recounted their adventures of the hunt or a newly discovered landscape rich with food and shelter to the marvel of their kin eager to hear more exciting tales. The long tradition of fireside storytelling endures to this...

Books / 21.08.2015

Somehow after almost a week of typically hot and humid Wisconsin weather the temperatures plummeted to mid-60’s. Over night we seemed to go from summer right into fall. Even though we hardy midwestern souls are used to much, much lower digits a sudden shift of 30º was a bit of a shock. And as the furnace kicked on for the first time since April I think my brain instinctively clicked over to thoughts of  short day and long nights curled up on the couch by the fireplace with...