Colorado Independent: Colorado's recession-minded D.C. reps embrace ethanol – The Joy Trip Project

Colorado Independent: Colorado's recession-minded D.C. reps embrace ethanol – The Joy Trip Project

corn-field-300x195Colorado Independent
Obama-era economic policy so far has not prominently featured the nation’s farm country. But that’s changing. Policy being weighed now in Washington concerning ethanol will have a major impact in states like Colorado, home to Yuma County, one of the most efficient corn-growing regions in the country and a major producer of the biofuel.

As debate over ethanol heats up, the path the Obama Administration is steering looks to be exactly the kind of middle-way, practical political tack that chagrins progressives, in this case energy analysts and environmentalists who want to see the country take bold steps and begin to lead the world in green technology and climate change mitigation.


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